I have been suspended from work today.

Must admit, its not something I would have done though, I'd have posted it rather than get the Mrs invovled.

Exactly... the last thing you would do is get your wife to hand it in for you. It beggars belief how absolutely clueless the OP is about his own behaviour. Poor wife.
The supermarket management chain is all about being an ****, using peoples ignorance against them and stabbing each other in the back. I'd be dragging my heels and making this as awkward as possible for them too op.

If you were treated correctly throughout the whole procedure, you wouldn't have grounds to argue, but as you wasn't, don't feel bad for any grievance you decide to pursue.
So hang on, this went from:

'I have no idea what I could have done wrong'

to 'Oh yes it must have been that video I made ****ging off my colleagues'

to 'No point trying to fight my already dubious corner, get the wife to hand in my resignation letter'.

Epic career skillz.
I have obviously seen the statements from the people who were offended. Sorry but, **** em. From what I have seen and been part off over the last few years this is pretty petty ****.

Not blowing my own trumpet I think i will get a new job Monday before I go for the disciplinary if so i will be leaving any how. I will most likely post video and ALL scanned versions of the statements for your judgement. It would be interesting to see how you guys would deal with this. I will give some back story to each person involved

I wouldn't be posting scanned statements anywhere.

I think OP has lost the plot.

Just read this from start to finish and now that it has a happy ending I can say that the quoted posts had me in stitches!

In June 2015 I was made redundant from my Managers position of the Meat and Fish departments. Come 6 months later I was asked if I wanted to go back as a Butcher. I took that job and loved it. Fast forward to the Hitler video and this thread. I still have people I talk to that work there and keep upto date with things going on there too. I know the management have all pretty much left that where there at the time of my resignation plus most of the staff in the video have left too. the 'Cream guy' is still there, the real butthurt one.

Anyway, my old, old job is available. The fish managers job. I have been told to apply by the HR lady who sort of stood by me but still had to say what she saw and heard etc. so no hard feelings there plus its been a few years now. Anyway, I applied for it and my CV is in the hands of the Store personal department. Just waiting to hear from them if they fancy giving me an interview.

Some of you will probably say it's a bad idea but to be fair it's about the money now with me as my wife is hopefully starting uni later this year plus we have a 1 year old boy who will need more child care paying for.

On a side note I still have all the documents saved from the investigation if anyone fancies a laugh. Unfortunately I don't have the video anymore.
So the management have left but what about the employees of the fish counter that you'll be managing? Didn't you call some of them "****ing fish bar faggots" in the video? :D

That will be quite funny if you do get to return though :)
I can see that application form going straight in to the filing cabinet under "B" for bin :D

Regardless of what the HR woman says, you're at the mercy of a human. All it takes it for them to recognise the name and say "oh god, remember that guy... didn't he make the Hitler video" and you've got no chance.

What happened to the career in hospitality anyway? Did you work your way up? I only just caught the thread, so it would be nice to hear what happened in the 3 years since you started the thread.
Not everyone is capable (for whatever reasons) or has that drive and I am sure that he would have done if the chance had arisen.

Regardless of having the drive or being capable, I still don't know what the OP would gain from going back into a job they left under such stupid circumstances, even if the managers have gone, it will be remembered by staff.

You don't put yourself back into a toxic environment unless you're doing it to cause some sort of hassle for others.
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