Game Pad Configuration
For game pads which do not exhibit correct behavior, a custom configuration can be used to specify the actions that each button and joystick should be associated with. The file must be called joypad.txt and be located in the Dead Space™ 2 installation directory. An example file is located in that directory named joypad_example.txt. You can use this file by renaming it to joypad.txt.
In order to change the behavior of your game pad, you will need to change the value for the button and joystick axis entries. In order to find the correct values for these entries, first navigate to the ‘Game Controllers’ item in Control Panel with the game pad connected to the computer. Next select the game pad from the ‘Installed game controllers’ list and click the ‘Properties’ button. The Properties window should be displayed which will allow you to determine what the number of each of your game pads buttons is as well as the name of each of the joystick axes.
Buttons must be assigned a value of ‘Button.#’ where # is the number of the button.
For joystick axes, they must be assigned a value from the following list:
This list corresponds to the common axes that are used by game pads, as well a variant of each axis which is flipped or inverted.
After setting each of the button and joystick axis values, and renaming the file joypad.txt, when you start Dead Space™ 2 the configuration will be loaded. If a mistake has been made and the value of any of the buttons or joystick axes isn’t recognized, that button or joystick axis will do nothing in game.
There needs to be a custom controller made for you and others in your position.
thanks mate..Hats off to you Gareth, truly inspirational thread, nice to see people trying to help out
Have you posted anything like this on the website forums for dead space 2? The developers need to be aware of these sort of issues, and until its brought to their attention it will be overlooked.
Its such a simple request to allow controls to be assigned to different buttons etc
And its nice to see people banding together to help out to overcome this challenge, it makes up for all the crap thats posted about on message boards across the interenet
Good luck!
yes and i tried with it's own software alsoYou mentioned you got right click to move forward just once (ie presses once but not hold down) was this via AutoHotKey? If so I can try and fix it to do holds correctly.
SendMode Input
bActivate := 0
; Setup key binds
bActivate := !bActivate
RButton up::
while bActivate
send {w down}
Sleep 30
send {w up}
; Create a timer to constantly check
; if game is the active process or not
; since we want our remapping to only
; be applied in-game, not outside the
; game.
SetTimer PollForApp
; Get the process name of the active window (i.e. Notepad.exe)
WinGet szProcessName, ProcessName, A
if szProcessName = deadspace2.exe
Suspend, off
Suspend, on
;----------END TIMER----------------
i have been searching the net last night for hardware to help people like myself. some of the things are like £500-900+, i for one don't have that kind of money. surely if the hardware is to help people like myself, it some be priceed at a reasonable price?
maybe i'll ask my social worker tomorrow to see if they can do anything.