i just got dead space 2 but i'm so disappointed

Signed mate! Good luck! :)

To be honest and whilst I can appreciate that in the short term control remapping is the best solution my guess is that a hardware based tracking device would work wonders for people with similar disabilities...
just finished the pc gamer interview. i went in to detail about how important remapping controls settings in games. and that games should have options for all disabilitys, ect.
I don't know if you can use your feet, but if you can isn't it an idea to put your xbox controller on the ground and use the left stick with your foot to move the character?
And your other foot voor A B X Y or right stick for other movement like reload ect.?

If you can't use your feet ether i didn't said anything ;)

(Btw Sorry for bad enlish, i'm dutch :P)
Nice one mate, how did it go overall? How long did it take?

Did he say which issue it would be in? :)
Congratulations on your breakthrough Gareth, I hope this gets patched asap for you as dead space 2 is too awesome a game to be missing out.

You sir are a gaming legend.
just finished the pc gamer interview. i went in to detail about how important remapping controls settings in games. and that games should have options for all disabilitys, ect.

Fantastic, mate. Hope that this being in a magazine really does give it even more publicity and causes word of the problems to spread more. Did the person interviewing you say whether the magazine was going to be in contact with any companies regarding the matter?

And as above, did they say which issue it would feature in? :)
just signed in

hi mate, i really respect you

Maybe you should try getting yourself a handcrafted mouse. I dont know who can create it, but i think it can be done . Or maybe you could use your cheek for mouse clicking and your head for aiming (via programs like trackir). im just trying to inspire you i dont know how they can be created. But i hope people who know about electricity and machine designing can give us an idea.

Good gaming :)
p.s. I liked the jump 4 joy joke!

I laughed :) It's going well, it's certainly not over optimistic to think about reaching 40k+.

Glad to hear your interview went ok Gareth, I look forward to picking up my copy and proudly displaying it to my friends and telling them "you see him there, I know him" :D
This isn't just about one game any more though. Look at all the publicity it has gained from the media, and how many people have signed and are still signing the petition since this. If anything I'd say it's brought it forward and made people more aware of it.

As I said before, now that the DS2 devs are working on a fix, I'd like to hope that its something they'll think about in future releases

Agree. pretty much from the start people have been all for changing ALL games and not just Dead Space. Sigh.
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