It seems the only way.
Use common sense, if such a site is selling an item we don't sell and does not sell items we sell, there is no issue.
If such site sells an item we don't sell but sells many similar items or same items as us then we consider it a competitor. As such Tesco, Amazon and others can fall under this category, were not suggesting that you can't mention them as such but don't be promoting products they sell which we also sell. So say a keyboard, mouse or a laptop. The Kindle however is fine, as is a pack of Redbull from Tesco.
What is strictly against the rules is mentioning of our direct competitors who directly compete with us, this will land you in trouble and probably gain you a holiday.
You all just need to use a little common sense and judgement really and as such we shall allow things to continue as is.
If you can't grasp this then we shall move to a zero tolerance of competitors, so its upto you the users really on how things proceed.
Game/DVD sites such as play, amazon, steam are fine as long as its games your discussing or DVD's, the moment your talking computers, hardware or periphals it becomes a problem!
So the mention of Amazon is allowed if it's not promoting stuff that you sell, excluding games?
Read my post and Telescopi, thats the rules, other moderators and staff will be informed and also adhere to those rules.
It seems the only way.
Use common sense, if such a site is selling an item we don't sell and does not sell items we sell, there is no issue.
If such site sells an item we don't sell but sells many similar items or same items as us then we consider it a competitor. As such Tesco, Amazon and others can fall under this category, were not suggesting that you can't mention them as such but don't be promoting products they sell which we also sell. So say a keyboard, mouse or a laptop. The Kindle however is fine, as is a pack of Redbull from Tesco.
What is strictly against the rules is mentioning of our direct competitors who directly compete with us, this will land you in trouble and probably gain you a holiday.
You all just need to use a little common sense and judgement really and as such we shall allow things to continue as is.
If you can't grasp this then we shall move to a zero tolerance of competitors, so its upto you the users really on how things proceed.
So this would presumably apply to Tesco / Asda and stores of that ilk as they provide both Hardware and peripherals. Across the board yes?
Right, all that is understandable, but you need to put all of that into an easy-to-digest few sentences (like I did ).
You said it was ok to mention Amazon as long as it was regarding games that aren't sold by OcUK.
Now Amazon talk is banned (yet the Kindle thread remains) and so are other business that are "computer" focused.
Which is funny because Amazon's digital service is in no way competing with the 8 retail PC Games that you stock.
You can happily say Asda have a great deal on cream eggs, as we don't sell such items, or a great deal on a PC game.
Yes, but games are fine, we sell less than 10 different games, so am fine with games chat and other items we don't sell.
Tesco and ASDA are different they sell there own branded mice and keyboards for example, the local ASDA does not sell branded products which OcUK sell. The site which started the rule discussion does, they are selling the same branded products as OcUK.
I think common sense needs to prevail here.
Feel free to do it for me, English and getting my point across was never my best ability.
"Please refrain from discussing or linking products sold by competing companies that OcUK also sells."
"To further clarify, prohibited deals are those that offer products that exactly match the ones sold by OcUK. So, discussing deals for digitally downloaded software is fine as OcUK does not currently offer this type of service; whereas discussing deals for hardcopies that are also sold by OcUK is not allowed."
You can happily say Asda have a great deal on cream eggs, as we don't sell such items, or a great deal on a PC game.
You can't say Asda however have a great laptop deal as that is directly competing with OcUK!