I need another WoW experience

My MMO experience really started in 1999 with Everquest (I did do UO on the side but this was the dawn of 3dfx and eventually quit UO with the Trammel patch).

I know where you are coming from. I didnt play Everquest but had a friend that did. I played UO from the early days and remember the huge bill from the dial up days where you were on pence/hour.

I did however enjoy the early WoW days, nothing comes close to experimenting with the talents and gear before like you say websites and maths worked out the easy mode for everyone. I still enjoy I was one of the first guys on the server to hit 60 and other lesser recognised achievements.

Real life goes out of the window and I am glad I got it out of the system when I did. The trammel patch was when I quit UO too, imagine WoW players having to survive those bully gank days? :)
For those that have played a fair amount of WoW and remember those good times, what do you mostly play now? Personally I havent found another game where I can immerse myself in such a rich world. Only problem is that amazing world has just become way too familiar and the excitement has gone.

I've tried pretty much every MMO out there but they do little for me. Also tried single player RPGs too but i think i miss other players buzzing around. I also prefer gameplay over story.

Now i'm thinking I might be burnt out on MMOs and RPGs and I need to just try something completely different. So I'm interested to hear other people's stories in a hope i'll discover something I can get into again.

As you say at the end ive reached the conclusion I'm burnt out on MMO's, I can't get into them anymore and now I just don't bother with them any more. Some great memories but I can't be doing with them anymore.
As you say at the end ive reached the conclusion I'm burnt out on MMO's, I can't get into them anymore and now I just don't bother with them any more. Some great memories but I can't be doing with them anymore.

Thing that stops me most of all these days is how many games have absolutely **** controls, poor mouse, fov, etc. support, clunky or tedious basic/core mechanics, etc. just no excuse for it any more. I used to be able to get past it 20 odd years ago, these days it just kills a game dead for me.

One thing that drives me nuts is games that have 2 dozen different action keys (that can't be bound to more than one action) for actions that could be done from one or 2 buttons with a semi-intelligent context aware system.

Its one of the things that I loved about city of heroes - the developers really got the whole controls side of it, most stuff was efficient, intuitive and fluid at a basic level, mouse sensitivity was spot on without silly split horizontal/vertical sensitivity and/or forced acceleration and so on.
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I am hoping that Star Citizen is the best MMO experience I ever have tbf. The premise is certainly there, as is the fidelity. God I hope they pull it off.
I find the best MMOs are the ones that mostly we played and got into first first. I played EvE first, it is and still will always be the best MMO for me, but they take too much time and it was way too much a help in my procrastination - never again an MMO!
There are "Vanilla" wow servers that people play still to this day. Its basically a working wow server from the first patch, so you can play the old game again, all the old items etc.

Theres around 5-9 thousand people online at all times.
I spent years trying to recapture the Golden years (which for me was the WOTLK era). I haven't found anything close (Wildstar was probably the closest but I got bored before reaching max level).

I think as others have said, it was the goldens years because of other circumstances. I had a lot of time off at the time so could spend the whole day playing.

I think that LFR was a in some ways a bad idea. I used to raid in the guild I was part off but with all my alts I would create pugs which was really fun although I wouldn't have time to do this now anyway.

LFR aside they have introduced quite a few things which have partially ruined the experience for me in the name of casuals but I dip my feet in every expansion and that's all I am, a casual so it's a bit of a catch 22. Steering the game completely towards casuals has somewhat ruined it but if I was to play now I'd barely have time to play as a casual.


I see FFIV being banded about quite a lot. I might buy it for PS4 and give it a go.
Interesting replies, thanks. It's a bit disappointing that no ex wow player has really found the same experience since, as I was hoping for some ideas. But on the other hand it's probably confirmation that what I'm looking for may not be possible anymore.

Similar to other posters, I have tried other MMO's, and resubbed to WoW a number of times, but have never been able to recreate the original awe and wonder of playing SWG then early WoW.

I don't think its possible any more, at least not for me.

These days, I don't have the time for a fully fledged MMO, so am enjoying Heroes of the Storm, and good old Diablo 3 when I don't feel like interacting with others :D

That said, a previous poster mentioned Star Citizen, and if that game lives up to its promises, could be an incredibly immersive experience when the Persistent Universe finally launches. If it does what it says on the tin, I may just lose my job, wallet, and marriage :-).

In terms of games that are available right now, have you had a look at SWTOR? It is actually pretty good these days, and has a very WoW feel to it, with some engaging RPG stories. I only unsubbed from that due to lack of time to play.
To OP, you should try one of the WoW emu servers, especially ones that are vanilla content locked. Even if you played from the start, you will be suprised how much you have forgotten in terms of how they differ in gameplay. This is especially noticeable if you PvP.

Other than that, you won't recapture the glory days. EQ is a shell of what it once was (as is UO and DAoC). An original experience can be found via P99 (which is now officially endorsed by Daybreak), but that comes with its own set of problems.
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There are "Vanilla" wow servers that people play still to this day. Its basically a working wow server from the first patch, so you can play the old game again, all the old items etc.

Theres around 5-9 thousand people online at all times.

that's more than most of the official realms.

Yeah 7 million might be the official sub figure, but most realms are ghost-towns compared to 2005 when they had less than 7 million.
I'm annoyed as I recently dropped playing EVE just as I was getting into it. Really annoying as I really liked it.

Also recently installed WoW 3.5.5 client to play WoTLK on private servers. Really good fun! Definitely has the nostlalgic feel and could easily see my self getting stuck into it again.
But, Star Citizen, my god, if they pull that off, I'll spend countless evenings sat in my chair with the sticks flying around... But again, it's a never ending story from what I'm hearing. It's years away.
Everquest was my first MMO and I still remember how awed I was by the game, I stumbled around a bit and didn't really know what I was doing, but I learned the basics from that experience and became hooked. Then I played (imported from Japan) Final Fantasy XI and it pretty much took over and dominated my MMO experience. Only yesterday I heard a few tracks from the soundtrack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFfWB7sirrU) and I felt that old yearning to go back to Vana'diel and recapture those moments, the friends I made, the struggles and triumphs... however I know it doesn't exist anymore and its hard to accept, sad I know, but thats how powerful an MMO can be.

What a lot of you WoW guys (and more recent games) are feeling now is what happened to us, the previous MMO generation. While you were all enjoying your golden days of WoW, the older games where declining, SWG had its moments but it was always on the ropes, and we couldn't join in the WoW madness because it wasn't the experience that the previous generation came to love, it was a completely different animal. It felt so fast to me, so twitchy and with shallow rewards that when coming directly from FFXI, a game that had one of the most shallow progression gradients in an MMO, whose very core design feature was in cooperation and community - WoW in comparison felt like a gimmick and simply not to my taste.

In any other genre having two drastically different types of games would be fine and I'd love it for its sheer variety. However because WoW single-handedly brought people to the genre, it created it's very own brand of MMO to the point that people, when they thought about MMOs, thought of a fast paced, quest based, solo friendly open world. Not the community centric, cooperation based gradual profession of the previous games. This transformed the genre into something completely different from how it started out.

The main problem with the genre, from a production point of view, is that it takes so much time and effort to create a game that investors and money men, as a consequence, ultimately have too much say on the project. As opposed to another genre where the costs are more bearable, investors are more willing to allow free creative design to developers. But in the case of MMOs pressure leads developers to try to make a game that casts the widest market net possible, making gameplay that is as open to every play style possible. It leaves the experience very shallow and stale. It's always a short loved experience and it's why the clone games of the genre will always, ALWAYS fail in comparison, because they cant provide the novel experience.

After FFXIV, which I've tried going back to on 3 separate occasions (mostly because a few friends play it) I've simply given up on the genre. As long as developers continue to create experiences for everyone and don't focus on a set experience and play style then I'm staying away from it. The money I've wasted trying out these new games in order to recapture those early games is ridiculous.

Err bit of a rant sorry :D This topic always gets me yapping.
Nothing has come close to Lineage 2 in terms of MMO for me... What a game. That's before all the stupid expansions and stuff. The base game. Where it took over 3 days of grinding loot to get the items for your second class quest at level 40.
WoW never did it for me, I never let myself try it though on release as I was at school and mates who played it literally became hooked and it messed a few of them up socially and with their school grades.

I only tried WoW when the newest expansion came out, played for around 2 months and that was enough for me. I can see why people get addicted to trying to constantly progress but it's unbelievably repetitive.
You need to be good socially to get the most out of it. Being in a good fun guild makes a heap of difference to the repetitive gameplay.
I have played Lotro for about 7 years now and it's the only
mmo I keep coming back to. It's not a game that gets recommended much though for some reason.
It's free to play and you never know you might like it.
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Tried a few alternatives myself to recapture the golden days; Firefall (what a debacle that turned into, showed great promise but turned into a steaming pile of ****), Guild Wars 2, LOTR. None of them could recapture the wide-eyed amazement and addiction I felt when I played WoW.

I played Vanilla -> TBC. It was actually raiding seriously in a hardcore guild that eventually killed the game for me, I had all the toys and epics but realised that what I really enjoyed was playing random PUGs, PVP in WSG / Arathi Basin / Alterac Valley with hardcore guildies, levelling up to 60, exploring the huge dungeons & outside locations with the original group of friends & fun guildies that had mostly moved on towards the end. We cleared Molten Core, BWL, Zul'Gurrub, Onyxia, the world boss dragons & Kazzak, Mal'ganis,Gruul, SerpentShrine Caverns, etc. I really enjoyed the vanilla & TBC raiding, we didn't manage to get Kel'thas in SWP before his nerf, and I quit before our guild moved it's attention to Caverns of Time and Black Temple.

Tried re-subbing but the game had changed so much by that point the interface & mechanics just drowned out any hope of recapturing those early moments. I think a single person I knew back then was still playing... :(

I've been addicted to a few blizzard titles since then, Starcraft2, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo3, and I've played quite a lot of other single player RPGs too, another +1 for The Witcher 3.

You won't get those golden days back because you'll need a perfect combination of life situation (student/bum/nolife), a totally unique and novel game mechanic as exhilarating and addicting as an MMO was back then, and a massive dollop of youthful enthusiasm to boot, good luck with that :p
I have played Lotro for about 7 years now and it's the only
mmo I keep coming back to. It's not a game that gets recommended much though for some reason.
It's free to play and you never know you might like it.

Add that to the list of "could try out".

I enjoyed Lineage 2 a lot initially. So grindy though.
I have played Lotro for about 7 years now and it's the only
mmo I keep coming back to. It's not a game that gets recommended much though for some reason.
It's free to play and you never know you might like it.

Yes great for PVE. The PVP is pathetic. So if you like to combat other players look elsewhere.

None of them could recapture the wide-eyed amazement and addiction I felt when I played WoW.

I think this is it. At the time playing it life revolved around wow. It was the ultimate escapism. I am glad I ditched it before the expansions came out though. I could see where the game was going and where my life was going if I carried on playing it.
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Started playing on the Nostalrius server recently and quite enjoying it, it's amazing the things you forgot about the game and how everything feels so much slower and is much more difficult but it makes everything feel more worthwhile.

I've already interacted with more people than I have for the last 3 years of retail WoW, the levelling areas always seem to have a good number of people in them and it's pretty much 24/7 as I think it's worldwide.

At the moment it's keeping my interest, it's nice seeing the same names when levelling/pvping.

Recently let my WoW sub run out and there isn't much in the expansion release that makes me really want to keep going with it.

Hopefully there'll be something to fill the gap come along soon enough.
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