I need another WoW experience

What was that MMO people were really excited about last year. It was kind of like UO and had really in depth crafting and you had to get land and stuff. Started off with the usual new MMO buzz and haven't seen the thread in ages.
What was that MMO people were really excited about last year. It was kind of like UO and had really in depth crafting and you had to get land and stuff. Started off with the usual new MMO buzz and haven't seen the thread in ages.

Sounds like archeage. It really did have the potential to be completely amazing, i played at the start and it felt great, especially getting building plots with guildmates etc.

Unfortunately like most mmo in the eu it is ran by complete incompetents and their model turned p2w ruining it. Shame as it could have been amazing.

Maybe everquest next will surprise us all by not being terrible? :|
For those that have played a fair amount of WoW and remember those good times, what do you mostly play now? Personally I havent found another game where I can immerse myself in such a rich world. Only problem is that amazing world has just become way too familiar and the excitement has gone.

I've tried pretty much every MMO out there but they do little for me. Also tried single player RPGs too but i think i miss other players buzzing around. I also prefer gameplay over story.

Now i'm thinking I might be burnt out on MMOs and RPGs and I need to just try something completely different. So I'm interested to hear other people's stories in a hope i'll discover something I can get into again.

I've tried every MMO since quitting WoW and none have pulled me in like WoW did. They all either get changed at launch ( looking at your ArcheAge ) or become p2w.

The last few games I've played where I got 'sucked in' were The Witcher 3 and Skyrim.
Sounds like archeage. It really did have the potential to be completely amazing, i played at the start and it felt great, especially getting building plots with guildmates etc.

Unfortunately like most mmo in the eu it is ran by complete incompetents and their model turned p2w ruining it. Shame as it could have been amazing.

Maybe everquest next will surprise us all by not being terrible? :|

Ah yes that was it. Shame as like you said it looked very promising.
Sounds like archeage. It really did have the potential to be completely amazing, i played at the start and it felt great, especially getting building plots with guildmates etc.

Unfortunately like most mmo in the eu it is ran by complete incompetents and their model turned p2w ruining it. Shame as it could have been amazing.

Maybe everquest next will surprise us all by not being terrible? :|

EQ Next will surprise us just by being released :)
I think the MMO genre is in quite a bit of trouble at the moment. There arent really any standout titles flourishing on a large scale currently and the immediate future looks pretty stale too.

For me, the golden age of MMOs was the period 1997 to about 2005. UO, EQ1, AC1 and later DAOC, were the golden age. The first year or so of WoW just about slips into the end of that era. Since 2005 though, I feel like MMOs have lost their way and drifted a long way from what it was that made them so special. The need for communication and working with other players has slowly been reduced in the name of "soloability" and "accessibility", at the expense of community and sense of realm/faction pride.

There arent really any MMOs currently in development which attract me (possibly Camelot Unchained , the spiritual successor to DAOC but even thats a maybe), and I wonder if my time with the genre is coming to an end, perhaps to be replaced by more MORPGs rather than MMORPGs.
A new vanilla Daoc server is in the works on uthgard.net the devs have been working on it for a while and hopefully will be out soon.

You might want to hold your breath a little for Uthgard ;) They closed it about 1.5 yrs ago which was a great shame as there was some excellent action for a free shard. It's got the 'old' frontiers in it for that proper retro feel, no TOA.... and the new version will have the old realm abilities. Shrouded Isles will come a bit later.

Here is a great vid of fantastic siege at Fensalir. I was inside somewhere on my healer, had put a lot of gold into upgrading the keep doors. We needed it that day! Later on in the battle the sneaky Albs jammed the Hibbies rear and it turned into a nice 3-way fight. If they pull off the new server and enough population I will defenitely be back :D

I played Lord of the Rings Online a couple of years back.

To be honest, that game gave me a decent buzz for a few months. Wandring around the various villages and seeing someone ride past. Then ofcourse, you see someone with the overly decorated armor and it's a case of /inspect . Checking out the players with the best gear and thinking you're not worthy to be standing near them.

It was good, though the thing that let it down for me was the massive lack of players that i encountered whilst levelling. Also, it appeared that the main questing areas from the early levels were neglected as they were still focused on group play. Ofcourse, it's pretty difficult to complete a quest deisgned for 3 people as a solo player.

Though being a massive fan of LOTR games, the immersion was there. Wandering by places that you can re-call from the books & movies and just being amazed by Turbine's interpretation of it all.

Though the current formula of MMORPG's has been flogged to death. Just wondering what the next big thing will be!
You might want to hold your breath a little for Uthgard ;) They closed it about 1.5 yrs ago which was a great shame as there was some excellent action for a free shard. It's got the 'old' frontiers in it for that proper retro feel, no TOA.... and the new version will have the old realm abilities. Shrouded Isles will come a bit later.

Yeah I used to play on the old server and people are champing at the bit for it to reopen :D

I never got very high level due to time but was fun playing again and the community seemed friendly.
You might want to hold your breath a little for Uthgard ;) They closed it about 1.5 yrs ago which was a great shame as there was some excellent action for a free shard. It's got the 'old' frontiers in it for that proper retro feel, no TOA.... and the new version will have the old realm abilities. Shrouded Isles will come a bit later.

Here is a great vid of fantastic siege at Fensalir. I was inside somewhere on my healer, had put a lot of gold into upgrading the keep doors. We needed it that day! Later on in the battle the sneaky Albs jammed the Hibbies rear and it turned into a nice 3-way fight. If they pull off the new server and enough population I will defenitely be back :D

Wow that vid brings back some memories, hmppff i want to play Daoc now lol
I think the MMO genre is in quite a bit of trouble at the moment. There arent really any standout titles flourishing on a large scale currently and the immediate future looks pretty stale too.

For me, the golden age of MMOs was the period 1997 to about 2005. UO, EQ1, AC1 and later DAOC, were the golden age. The first year or so of WoW just about slips into the end of that era. Since 2005 though, I feel like MMOs have lost their way and drifted a long way from what it was that made them so special. The need for communication and working with other players has slowly been reduced in the name of "soloability" and "accessibility", at the expense of community and sense of realm/faction pride.

There arent really any MMOs currently in development which attract me (possibly Camelot Unchained , the spiritual successor to DAOC but even thats a maybe), and I wonder if my time with the genre is coming to an end, perhaps to be replaced by more MORPGs rather than MMORPGs.

The MMO genre is in trouble because sometime along the way, businesses turned Massive Multiplayer Online into Mass Market Online.
It is not just the business' fault, the modern gamer has become a locust. They want their MMO to be the equivalent of a fast food joint - quick, easy, cheap, not something you savour.
So to make the most money the business' try to appeal to as many people as possible - and in doing so, they create dilute, repetitive games that are essentially solo play to the end as it is convenient, then group content stuck at the back end to try keep people around.
Us dinosaurs that fondly remember games like EQ1 are dismissed as people wearing Rose Tinted Glasses and the modern gamer tries to claim that such games were awfully designed and terrible to play - a game shouldn't be hard because then it feels like 'work'
Sad thing is, those wanting an indepth game which can be hard work, do require actual interaction..we are a small minority and not profitable for businesses spending millions on a game.

For minorities like us, our only hope is niche games. That means hoping one of these rookie development teams manage to deliver what they promise. It means a lot of failures, and disappointments, but eventually one will succeed.

AAA MMOs will not evolve, they are too scared to and carrying on with the status quo will mean making money quickly, niche is the only place you will see games that are not the same stale old junk
For me they simply have to make wow with more factions.

Horde Alliance is boring they should make a third faction that hates them both and then pvp might get more interesting.

I don't see how it couldn't be done they have a huge amount of land there and more than enough characters.

But of course asteldian is correct. The makers (or should I say publishers) want as much appeal as possible to see as many units as possible and then after a year just run the servers at small profit for those who have stuck to the game even though it's no good.

I'm sure looking at the releases this was the business model for most, sell as many units as possible on month 1 with plans to go FTP after month 5-6. why build end game content with that BM? All your units are sold on the basis of word to mouth based on beta tests of levels 1-20 not lvl 60. By the time the masses get to end content it's month 3 and the money has been made.
Nothing has come close to Lineage 2 in terms of MMO for me... What a game. That's before all the stupid expansions and stuff. The base game. Where it took over 3 days of grinding loot to get the items for your second class quest at level 40.

I played that for awhile before WoW came out, remember you had to sit in town, speech bubble above your head selling items lol :D

Never liked the epic runs you had to do to get places either! lol :rolleyes:
I played that for awhile before WoW came out, remember you had to sit in town, speech bubble above your head selling items lol :D

Never liked the epic runs you had to do to get places either! lol :rolleyes:

ah the market areas in MMOS used to be brilliant, i know auction houses are easier but i kind of miss trying to sell like a street vender!

Have you tried GW2? I only mention because im hooked to the WvW system.
I moved on to Rift after WoW got old and thought it was fantastic. It's F2P now too, I've been playing a lot of GW2 recently, also free.
Since I have quit WoW due to lack of content ect in march or something.
I got PC in my sub and PS4 nothing cuts it. Had around 30 Hours in Witcher 3. Single player games do not cut it

I played All Wow killers so far most hours I have soaked in ESO And i can recommend that as leveling was best fun i had in any mmos.

Tried dota clones ect but nope not for me boring same ****** maps...

Damn i need new wow Xpack or new mmo or something. Due to lack of gaming I got in to depression **** ya not. BOREDOM IS KILLING ME as it is i spend on runing and training 3hours each day as i got nothing better to do....
ps. I have like 370 days played on Warrior char and realm first 80 ect. USed to play with OCUK wow Guild meet some fantastic people back in the day.
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I just unsubbed again, guild downed heroic archimonde and didn't want to do mythic, I toyed with the idea of finding a mythic guild but I'm just gonna stick with the guild I'm in and resub for legion or just before.
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