I need another WoW experience

Unless you get in from the start I find most mmos to be a little empty when levelling(the most fun bit for me).

Vanilla wow was epic because the zones always had players in, pvp battles, random ganking, lots of stuff going on. Levelling in empty world's is tedious to the extreme.
I thought about the same much, when i played WoW i cannot enjoy other games too much.
Now i play more casual games, but one i look forward very much, and that is Star Citizen.
If can enjoy scifi theme, and space fighting (i do, loved the Wing Commander series), than this can be a good one. They are all about immersion.
I am waiting for a game like that since SWG was shot.

BTW that first impression WoW and SWG gave me nothing will recreate..and i'm almost sure nothing will recreate the first experience for others. For me the answer is simple...when i started WoW there were no sites full of guides, no addons that shows you what to click and when, and no raid or dungeon starting from the cities. We have to explore everything ourselves, thus we can sink in a beautiful and funny new world looking through a new born baby's eyes. Fine example is that i didn't know about the tram between SW and IF..thus i only reached IF at much later when i leveled up enough (together with my soon to be wife:) ) to go there by foot.
Nowadays you just google for the things you don't know...if the game doesn't lead you to it with green arrows showing the way.
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For those that have played a fair amount of WoW and remember those good times, what do you mostly play now? Personally I havent found another game where I can immerse myself in such a rich world. Only problem is that amazing world has just become way too familiar and the excitement has gone.

I've tried pretty much every MMO out there but they do little for me. Also tried single player RPGs too but i think i miss other players buzzing around. I also prefer gameplay over story.

Now i'm thinking I might be burnt out on MMOs and RPGs and I need to just try something completely different. So I'm interested to hear other people's stories in a hope i'll discover something I can get into again.

I found Oblivion and Skyrim just as immersive, if not more than WoW. Also Bioshock 1 will always be memorable for me, got really sucked into that one :)
Dark Age of Camelot was probably the only other game that could match or beat WoW IMHO, it's still going but is an empty shell of it's glory days, now owned by EA so you can tell how it'll be milked for cash like Ultima Online has been.

A new vanilla Daoc server is in the works on uthgard.net the devs have been working on it for a while and hopefully will be out soon.
I never really got into WOW but played another MMO, Shayia for about 4 years. I've tried several since then but have never been able to recapture the excitement and fun of the early days. It's like chasing the dragon man!
A new vanilla Daoc server is in the works on uthgard.net the devs have been working on it for a while and hopefully will be out soon.

What, is this true? ive not touched Daoc in 5 years or so, imo the best MMO ive ever played, community could not be beaten.
Black Desert is definitely worth keeping an eye on. I got in on the Korean Beta months back with a lot of jiggery and pokery, it has so much potential. The hard thing was obviously trying to figure out the language lol.
I think WOW is a once in a lifetime experience to be honest. I started from day one and played it for about 4-5 years overall. It was incredible in the first few years and a lot of my friends played it too including my best friend who I levelled up with. It came out between school and college for me so I got to spend a lot of time in it.
Too much time infact as I was one of the first rank 14 players in PVP on the server when the honour system came out which you had to basically play PVP all day and night to get for months and obviously now I'm working ill never have that same experience again as I just don't have the time now I'm older and like many things in life its never the same the second time around.
I loved it when it was server only PVP as crossrealm PVP ruined it for me.

Iv tried a few MMO's since but none of them came close to how good WOW was in the early days and I'm probably too burnt out on MMO's and too old to have the same experience again.
I only played WoW for the first year or so...enjoyed it but couldn't live with the timesink. Didn't really play any other MMOs seriously since then.

Destiny fits the bill for me now. Nice community, great co-op raids, good PvP....and the main thing is you can do all the end-game content in 2-hour max sessions so it fits around a sensible RL.
Starwars galaxies > WoW

To be honest there are no good MMORPGs these days, the majority are WoW clones but offer nothing new.

Like SwTor, Try to love the game but it's just so bland and dumbed down its terrible, even the story.

Arch-age was the one i was looking forward too but i tried it and just couldn't get my head around it for some reason. (Not a fan of Asian game style) but that looks like it had a lot to offer.

Other than that i would just wait until the producers pull their finger out and put money into making something new, rather than another Fail of a WoW clone for a quick return.

Much rather have a great game charging millions of people £10 a month, than a flop F2P where you have to buy everything with your hard earned.
Never played WoW but know what you mean - sunk a lot of time into City of Heroes and there just aren't games like that at the moment :S

Same here and i haven't found another game like it, i tried loads of MMOs but never got past the first months subscription..funnily enough never tried WOW.

I used to play City of Heroes too!
Loved that game, early on anyway. Felt City of Villains, as decent as it was,ruined City of Heroes by splitting the community.
Which server did you guys play on? I was on Defiant (EU) mostly. Any character names I may recognise?

Unless you get in from the start I find most mmos to be a little empty when levelling(the most fun bit for me).

Vanilla wow was epic because the zones always had players in, pvp battles, random ganking, lots of stuff going on. Levelling in empty world's is tedious to the extreme.

I agree with this to a large extent. I think a lot of the magic is being there when things are new and exciting. The buzz the community gets when something is done for the first time or something like that.
For those that have played a fair amount of WoW and remember those good times, what do you mostly play now? Personally I havent found another game where I can immerse myself in such a rich world. Only problem is that amazing world has just become way too familiar and the excitement has gone.

I've tried pretty much every MMO out there but they do little for me. Also tried single player RPGs too but i think i miss other players buzzing around. I also prefer gameplay over story.

Now i'm thinking I might be burnt out on MMOs and RPGs and I need to just try something completely different. So I'm interested to hear other people's stories in a hope i'll discover something I can get into again.

Try League of Legends, its far from a MMO, however its a great game with a good steep learning curve and should keep you interested.

If you need a MMO to try a lot of my firends who played WoW moved on to play Rift, some even said it was more fun that WoW.
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I haven't played any MMO's for ages now but I would recommend guild wars 2 if you haven't played it.

The game was the last MMO I've played and I would say that I enjoyed it more than WoW and almost as much as I did UO back in the day!
You could always try something like Star Citizen.
Different kind of experience.
And probably best test for the high end PCs at this time.

As for fantasy MMOs, I sometimes come back to WoW, but I am sick of constant rebalancing, nerfing etc.
I tried ArchAge and it is a simple pay2win game, I don't recomment it.
I hear a lot of people are waiting for Albion, but the beta is starting sometime in December so still a long wait.
Nothing else on the horizon.
For those that have played a fair amount of WoW and remember those good times, what do you mostly play now? Personally I havent found another game where I can immerse myself in such a rich world. Only problem is that amazing world has just become way too familiar and the excitement has gone.

I've tried pretty much every MMO out there but they do little for me. Also tried single player RPGs too but i think i miss other players buzzing around. I also prefer gameplay over story.

Now i'm thinking I might be burnt out on MMOs and RPGs and I need to just try something completely different. So I'm interested to hear other people's stories in a hope i'll discover something I can get into again.

I'm playing GTA Online lately, I find this quite fun, nothing like an MMO but it's filling my time quite nicely.

I found Oblivion and Skyrim just as immersive, if not more than WoW. Also Bioshock 1 will always be memorable for me, got really sucked into that one :)

Never tried Skyrim, heard loads of good feedback, Heard lots of good things about Destiny too.

I've played a lot of Diablo 3 too, I think this is a nice alternative for those who do have a bit of a life away from the PC.

GTA, D3, Destiny, Skyrim have something in common in that these games don't demand no social lives to be successful, this is a problem WoW has for those players who have a super competitive personality.

WoW is so much easier IMO these days that there is greater competition with many equally skilled players who have mastered the playstyle. I think it's more about the time invested than ability for the vast majority of guilds excluding the top 10 or so.
Interesting replies, thanks. It's a bit disappointing that no ex wow player has really found the same experience since, as I was hoping for some ideas. But on the other hand it's probably confirmation that what I'm looking for may not be possible anymore.

If you're looking for an addictive and hair ripping experience, I moved from MMORPG's to MOBA's, playing Dota2 for a few years now and it can be just as fun as when I used to play WoW.
FFXIV is probably your best bet with the usual quest hub levelling and from what I understand, decent raiding.
I know how you feel, except for me EQ1 and Vanguard were the last MMOs I found enjoyable. I have accepted that my style of MMO is not popular enough for mainstream, so am keeping an eye on various indie MMOs as they are the only ones to cater for people like me. Pretty much since the dawn of WoW MMOs took a horrible turn for the worse for me and for like a decade I have bounced from game to game tryingto find one worth sticking with long term
Dont understand people recommending lol and dota to replace an mmo :/

There is no immersive world or varied lands/mobs to fight. Its as on rails as it gets. Dont get me wrong i have put thousands of hours into dota 2 and lol, enjoy playing a moba with friends. But it is far and away nothing near the experience you get from a good mmo.
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