Back with yet another problem , This really ins't going well for me. Started a thread up in the hardware section but thourght I would also ask here as you have been a major help so far. Thread can be found here, Will love you forever if you can help me out as I'm trying to get coursework done and this is taking up more of that time than actual work XD
Thanks agian!
Thanks agian!
A few days ago after discussing settings and other things with somebody with pretty much the same setup as mine I got my overclock settings to what I thought was stable.
The computer runs fine under load both playing games and when running a intel burn test for 20 loops.
I have recently found that the computer bluescreens when idle, I will just simply be watching a youtube video not even touching the mouse of keyboard and DAMM, audio skips constantly and I get bluescreen error 124 (Which I already know is hardware/overclock related).
My settings can be seen here. I'm unsure what I need to do as it's fine after tests yet continues to bluescreen :/
Thanks for any information!