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i7 6700k Owners Club

It won't load any program at all ,the Windows busy symbol just spins I've even tryed to start a game same thing nothing loads.
hi guys, long time no post, i recently got a 6700k and have it running stable at 4.4ghz with 1.212v under load atm, i'll go higher clocks when i get time

i came from a 2500k and it took me ages of reading and testing to work out why the hell my voltages were all over the place under load when using different stress tests when useing adaptive vcore, in sandybridge it was simply find stable overclock volts and use offset to keep max volts there, having these newer cpus "request" there own volts depending on load really threw me.

i found real bench to be a really good test if you plan on using adaptive vcore, because it draws less volts, with manual i determined stable 4.4 was stable with 1.2 - 1.212v, now if i set adaptive so that when running prime it pulled 1.212v it would be stable, then if i ran realbench it would only be pulling 1.17v and wouldn't be stable, so i set the offset in adaptive to so realbench would pull 1.212v and it's stable all round, prime and other avx testers pull in more volts in the range of 1.23-1.24 but thats the price to pay i guess.

i find it hard to understand why they would do this instead of letting the user determine a max voltage for EVERYTHING like sandybridge had. all in all if i were to give some advice it would be to use realbench as one of your stress tests if you plan on using adaptive, and set the offset according to that, otherwise you may be stable in prime but real world applications you may not be pulling in enough volts

also with xmp on corsair 3000mhz ddr4 i was getting a nice little rise in temps, which appeared to come from the MB setting vccio to 1.2 and vccsa to 1.3, so done some research and lowered these to 1.0v and 1.1v as apparently it seems these can run stock or near stock voltages and temps came down anywhere between 2-4C, not much but every little helps, one post i came across somewhere said that 2 sticks of ram and less than 3200mhz doesn't need the additional voltage, dunno how true it is overall but it appears to have worked in my system
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Got my mates 6700k problem sorted after everything we tried it was faulty so it whent back and new one installed running fine @4.2 with 1.28v .
Just joined the club and tried 4.5ghz with 1.24v stable. 60c max. Not sure whether to try reducing the v's further or go for higher ghz.
My default voltage is showing as 1.17v. Been reading the thread to get some understanding of what to use and I was expecting to have to set 1.28v for 4.5ghz.

Just done some benchmarking and its still stable and not gone over 60c.

Joined the club also :)
Only used the auto overclock at 4.8Ghz the Asrock OC Formula has.
I will fine tune it over the weekend, since I have to switch case to a TT P5. Because the current InWin tower cannot fit the huge motherboard heat sink and the Predator 360 on top of the case. hence I have the Predator atm vertical, strapped with cable ties and metal base (in the case).

The 4930K @4.5 that was replaced, can be seen on the benchmark!. Losing 2 cores/4 threads, only dropped 10% in overall performance!!!!!!!
While the stronger IPC can be seen on the game atm.

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New club member here :)

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I haven't got a great chip but it seems to need quite a lot of voltage to get a stable oc. Currently running at 4.5GHz:


It does run ok at 4.6GHz too but fails the AIDA64 stability test pretty quickly. Temperatures seem fairly high at around 80C full load. I'm only using a Raijintek Aidos cooler and I suspect I may have overdone it with the thermal grease so I think it may not be getting the best contact.
New club member here :)

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I haven't got a great chip but it seems to need quite a lot of voltage to get a stable oc. Currently running at 4.5GHz:


It does run ok at 4.6GHz too but fails the AIDA64 stability test pretty quickly. Temperatures seem fairly high at around 80C full load. I'm only using a Raijintek Aidos cooler and I suspect I may have overdone it with the thermal grease so I think it may not be getting the best contact.

That chip you got is ok, i been running 4.5ghz for a year now at manual 1.33v, prime like 80c on air for me.
New owner here too!

Came from an OC'ed 2500k @ 4.5 to a 6700k OC'd to 4.5 stable with adaptive voltage.

Not a big overclock I know but its fine for me. I like a mix of performance/stability/temps etc.

Not really stressed it much to be honest - not sure the best game/application to show it off.
Well i have a overclocked 6700k at 4.5gkz, and mate has a 2500k at 4ghz, and i have like 1% performance boost over him in games, few games he had even more fps than me, both 780ti, but i have 16GB ddr 3000 and he just has 8GB ddr 2133, mind you, some ddr 4 slower than ddr 3 even.
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