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i7 6700k Owners Club

Sad to see what Brexit has done to the 6700k prices! They were £260 at their lowest I think, now they are back to £320 (what I paid for mine almost a year ago)

When I bought mine off OCuk back in August last year, they were £319.99 (retail version).

So going by that, it's now 1P more post Brexit ;)
Having just recently bought my i7 6700k I have ran it at 4.5Ghz since purchase and it seems stable enough in games.
I haven't tried pushing it any further as the temps / voltage / performance all match what I'm happy with.
I have ran OCCT for six hours and that is fine, as well as several passes of Intelburn.

Also I have just ran (on a warm day as well...!) Realbench 2.43.....

and it passed fine after 30mins of using the stress test.

Even though my room is quite hot at the moment it still kept the temps down to a reasonable level with 1.234v being used when under load at 4.5Ghz.

How long do you tend to run Realbench for before you would consider your CPU stable....?

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Having just recently bought my i7 6700k I have ran it at 4.5Ghz since purchase and it seems stable enough in games.
I haven't tried pushing it any further as the temps / voltage / performance all match what I'm happy with.
I have ran OCCT for six hours and that is fine, as well as several passes of Intelburn.

Also I have just ran (on a warm day as well...!) Realbench 2.43.....

and it passed fine after 30mins of using the stress test.

Even though my room is quite hot at the moment it still kept the temps down to a reasonable level with 1.234v being used when under load at 4.5Ghz.

How long do you tend to run Realbench for before you would consider your CPU stable....?


I let mine run for 2 hours or so, good enough for me.

My 6700k does 4.6Ghz at it's default 1.3v, so temperatures are very low. I think quite a few chips are capable of this, so worth giving a go at 1.3v adaptive (adaptive so that it reduces voltage when it downclocks, for a very efficient system).
I let mine run for 2 hours or so, good enough for me.

My 6700k does 4.6Ghz at it's default 1.3v, so temperatures are very low. I think quite a few chips are capable of this, so worth giving a go at 1.3v adaptive (adaptive so that it reduces voltage when it downclocks, for a very efficient system).

Thanks for that. Do you tend to run the Stress test or the full benchmark suite, if that matters....?

I am using adaptive at the moment with LLC at 4 and that tends to hold the voltage for the CPU pretty rock steady under load.
I just run the stress test.


Would quicker memory make overclocking 6700 easier mor reliable

I couldn't see how that would make a difference to the stability of the CPU.....?
My 3200 DDR4 runs at their rated XMP profile and is fine. Having two sticks rather than four might be preferred, but I'm not sure what implications it has in real terms on the memory controller when all four slots are occupied.
Does a LLC setting of 4 on th ASUS Z170 stop the CPU vcore bouncing up and down? Because on core temp the VID bounces all over the place 1.3-1.42 where as CPUz hold a at 1.264 all the time
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For me having a LLC of 4 is a compromise between too much voltage under load and fluctuations in voltage.
Mine is very steady but with no LLC it tends to have lots of spikes.

I couldn't see how that would make a difference to the stability of the CPU.....?
My 3200 DDR4 runs at their rated XMP profile and is fine. Having two sticks rather than four might be preferred, but I'm not sure what implications it has in real terms on the memory controller when all four slots are occupied.

I've also heard that 4 DIMMS typically lowers what overclock your CPU is made of, though not all IMC (integrated memory controller) are made equal etc.

I think 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3000Mhz is the current sweet spot, I considered upgrading to 32GB 3200 etc, but by the time it's needed Intel's 3D Xpoint memory will have completely obsoleted DDR4, so no point IMO.
I've also heard that 4 DIMMS typically lowers what overclock your CPU is made of, though not all IMC (integrated memory controller) are made equal etc.

I think 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3000Mhz is the current sweet spot, I considered upgrading to 32GB 3200 etc, but by the time it's needed Intel's 3D Xpoint memory will have completely obsoleted DDR4, so no point IMO.
That certainly was the case with Nehalem, not entirely sure if it still is but I'd assume so.
Any news on the release off krabylake lake?

Sold my 6600k and wanted to try a 6700k borrowed a mates one that he's not installed yet and ran into a few problems.

At stock on my Asus sabertooth Mark 1 with the latest bios on the PC would take longer to boot about 30 seconds,I have a Samsung evo 850 and the PC would only take a few seconds to boot to Windows 10 with the 6600k.

The next problem was on the desktop when Google was opened the Google logo was distorted and was very slow to open,and any program that was opened just would not start.

Next problem no matter what I did the cpu would not overclock at all and just failed,on the same board I got 4.5hz with my 6600k.

In the bios and on the desktop all the information about the cpu was correct,I believe the cpu is faulty.
I have had the 6700k for a year now, and on my asus ranger viii motherboard it takes me like 30 seconds to boot into win 10 also, no other problems thou, clocked to 4.5 only thou, have yo done some prime95 tests to see if cpu is ok ?

have a Samsung evo 850 also.
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