My adductor is really sore, like I've overdone the stretches (get pain when trying to stretch it now). Would it effect my squat much in terms of turning out the hips?
What stretches would you suggest? I only know of a couple of things you can do on your own.
Warm up to your squats slowly, maybe with some lateral lunges of increasing amplitude/depth too. It shouldn't be a problem (I've been in this position a few times), but obviously if it hurts, don't do it
While you're here, what movement diagnostic tests do you use? I was talking to my physio today about them and he suggested two. Firstly, air squat with arms overhead. Secondly, moving arms overhead in a standing position.
Those are the ones I was thinking of!
Particularly the second one with external rotation (and arm up), I find it doesn't catch the psoas otherwise.
Not necessarily, could just be weak muscles , I know for a fact my form is near enough spot on but I got it from the lifts I did on Wednesday. Do get a video up it will help.
As said, it's impossible to know without seeing your form.