IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

The inmates are running riot in the Ubi forums again:

Micksaf said:
Steam is useless because you don't need any of its "features" to play CoD, especially if you only play offline...

It might even prove "unfriendly" since nobody knows exactly what it really does when you are connected, some people even speak about it as some sort of a spyware ...

As long as 1C releases its future fixes and patches through its site, like in the old times, you absolutely don't need Steam ...well at least I hope, otherwise I simply won't buy the game

It is pointless trying to reason with these people, they are beyond help.
They are stuck in their ways, in time they will come around because they won't want to miss out.
They are used to using hyperlobby and they know how that works and only that.

What are peoples plans for release night/weekend, we gotta get some mp on the go.
Went to buy this on steam this moning and it seems the pre order has gone :S The listing is there but you can't add to basket!?

Is the is the same for anyone else?
Another crack head on the Ubi forums:

And futhermore, I'm sick of the attitude of the people that either like or are indifferent to steam. They keep asking, "Why don't you like steam" or "What is your problem with steam?"

Well, that's like asking why someone that doesn't like Cauliflower won't eat it. You may like it and you can't understand why others don't like it but that's not going to change the fact that certain people don't like it! If people don't like Caulifower, then no amount of reasoning with them is going to change a thing. Capiche? How old are some of you people anyway? I happen to like Cauliflower, BTW.
I cant imagine Oleg leaving to be honest, The sim and himself have got a massive following so to leave and stop doing what hes 'good' at seems a bit off the ball.
From oleg on the IC site today

"The true is that I'm still involved in a game industry. Still with sims.

However I'm thinking what to do next. One way I found. Another in research. All ways based on advanced gaming technologies.
I see real feature of gaming idustry, where also Mac take some part together with PC and concoles will be on a separate side or on the same if only they may have some still uniquie features of PC....

But where I don't see any great interests at the moment in the tablets and mobiles.

Some say that all should go for iOS... its a mistake. Some say that PC is died - its more greater mistake. Some say that only consoles may bring profit... that is also mistake (its not a mistake if the speech is about non so complex products that are going for the one time release without long life on the market).

For the stand alone products that are done only for PC, that have no analogs, that are the best, that are even in its only own small niche - there is the way to get income that to go forward.

Hope someone undertands my thoughs."

So sounds like he is not leaving , which is good. But does sound like he wants a change ...
He should try his best to get out of UBIs grasp and self publish, he'd make a fortune, let UBI have the rights to the IL2 name, and start Storm of War as a new IP. It worked for ED and DCS, it can work for Oleg.

Well, i finally managed to buy it from steam. Sad to hear Oleg is leaving the business (if it proves true). He sure has earned a holiday anyway.
Steam tastes funny, jeez what a pathetic reason...

Oleg needs some sort of change and it would not suprise me in the least if all constant whining of forum members has made him rethink his position, I know I'd be tempted to throw it all in after receiving all the pathetic crap from all these retards who think they're owed something.
Just been confirmed by the UK forum manager that Steam is NOT required if all you want to do is play single player, should pacify a few of the haters :)
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