IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

No system specs yet, though Luthier stated he was using what was considered a mid-low range system for some of the screenshots he posted.

As for release, it was mentioned by Oleg some time back that there would be thousands playing it by the BoB anniversary this year if things went well, not sure we'll see it then to be honest but I live in hope :)
Todays update from Oleg :)





It looks good, but rather wierdly I was listening to my spotify when i clicked on the Spitfire video and Aces high by iron maiden was the next track up. Creepy.
Sorry for the noob question, but how realistic are the controls?

I am not a huge fan of the uber detailed flight sims as I am usually bored by time I have started to master not falling out of the sky! :p

The graphics look amazing, so I am somewhat tempted to buy.
They'll be as realistic as IL2 and probably more so, but like IL2 it should have plenty of options you can turn off to make it easier :)
Oleg Maddox said:
Ok, today I would like to say some important.

If you all remember, Il-2 was a sim that was setings some new standards in industry. Not all understand it in the beginning... however all things that were loaded in the engine and even were not using in the beginning - most of them were later working. Some technologies were copied by other deelopers (even not simers), some - still are uniquie.

And what I would like to say... BoB with its first generation will have also many things that probably will be working later in time step by step. But anyway with the first release it will also set some new standards in sim industry for WWII flight sims. Be sure.
We are doning a series from the beginning for the long life o the market, looking back for our expereince in the past, learnig good and bad things of Il-2 series. So now we put a lot of things that wil come in add-ons and new separate titles (for wich we will give ability to instal in the first one... say like was with Pacific fighters... but with more features). Already now there is a process of development for one of the several new sims (with such a feature to merge them).
If everything will be Ok with BoB on the market, then you all will see more and more coming nice titles and add-ons (both free and payware).

Not all things that I personally designed in the past will go in the release of BoB. But you all probably even don't know what was planned and partially already developed...
I dislike to open even partially this info now... simply wait. Don't think you will be dissapointed

X-day... release. This now will depending of publisher... and our fast woks over the bugs.
Bugs are present. The product is probably the most serious in industry in programming of features, internals, etc...
So I can't tell exact date right now. But we are close, very close in our works of final release version... We need to polish all the coming in final release features. I personally wouldn't release the product that have serious bugs that was known. It is our principle in the past.. it is now...

All for today... I need to switch off PC for packing....

Sorry for the errors in message. No time to correct...











Is it just me that wants to get in a tank and play this?
Gawd they are exceptional models, considering they will only be ai controlled targets. It does look really good. Typical Oleg style. It's a shame I have no joystick, it just wont be the same on a keyboard..
Gawd they are exceptional models, considering they will only be ai controlled targets. It does look really good. Typical Oleg style. It's a shame I have no joystick, it just wont be the same on a keyboard..

To be honest, there's never been a better reason to buy one, even if it is just a POS for 20 quid. This is a good year for Sim freaks.

Can't wait for this. Who is publishing this in the west BTW?

I do think Oleg missed a trick not having it ready for the 70th anniversary and all the coverage BoB is getting, but hey he's developing it properly with love so I can't fault him for that :)
what spec am i going to need to run this at a decent resolution.

looks amazing. although if its a proper flight sim i too get bored just trying to switch the engine on.
what spec am i going to need to run this at a decent resolution.

looks amazing. although if its a proper flight sim i too get bored just trying to switch the engine on.

No idea on specs yet, though Luthier did state a while back that he was running on mid range machine for screenshots. As for it being a proper sim, yes it will be, but not a study sim like Black Shark where you have to learn a startup squence, it'll be simplified or at least have options.
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