IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Oh well, we'll wait another week:)

Meanwhile, I've just discovered a solution to on of the biggest problems that I had with Il2:CLOD single player - AI planes doing barrel rolls at a stupidly fast rate. Download this edited default quick missions, follow the simple instructions and voila - no more stupid rolls - only in default quick missions of course, but its a great start:) Quick Missions - Modified AI
When I try launch this in Steam I always get an annoying UAC prompt before it will start, buildbot_winslave_steam or somethingorother, is this normal? Details point to 63950_install.vdf or something in the games root folder. The game runs fine (well as well as can be expected) but I wonder if the game has properly installed.

Having fun in this and slowly getting used to the CEM stuff and I can fly the plane ok in normal flight but when it comes to taking on ememies I'm dire :o
Might be worth telling steam to verify the game files, make sure to back up your config files and saved missions first though.
I ordered this yesterday morning from Game but still no code :(

I ordered mine on the 16th and I still haven't got a code.

I emailed their customer services 2 days ago and I got a copy and paste of their delivery time policies which doesn't make sense as surely it is a download game so they just need to send me the link to download and the code?

Am I missing something?
Got to say I'm having a lot of fun in this, at last I don't feel I wasted money on a T16000 stick which had gone unused for a while.

I still haven't done much combat, instead just enjoying flying around learning how to manage the engine and controlling the aircraft. I can at least take off, land and recover from stalls now . . hmmm maybe I should just play FSX instead lol The problem I have in combat is sensory overload and lack of situation awareness, man it's tough, so much to do and think about.

Anyone tried FaceTrackNoir and the PS3 Eye with this? Any ideas how to get it up and running? I think device driver for the PS3 cam need to be downloaded manually and installed before plugging in the camera but I don't have a link.
You are definitely on the right path wit regards to tracking device - it seamlesly removes the sensory overload and is just instinctive and natural to use. Plus it increases immersion tenfold.

I am not familiar with facetrackNoIR, but I did hear that it works nicely enough. I've bought second hand TrackIR for £30 from the usual source and never looked back:)
Look back! Bandit at six o'clock ;)

Fancy TrackIR myself but full retail is out of the question :( Hopefully I can get FTN to work.

Try freetrack. It is better than noir.

I could never get noir to continue to track once I had started any sim.

Bought myself a pack of leds, a resistor and a 9v battery pack with on/off switch, superglued the wires together will simultaneously sticking it all to a skip cap and there you have a very cheap precise tracking device that works with everything I have used so far, including f1 and c.a.r.s.

There are also instructions on the site to help you build your own cap.
Yeah I've had a look at freetrack but would have no clue how to assemble a three point led.

I've had the same problem as you with FTN too when I had an old webcam hooked up, tracked fine in the preview window of my face and the yellow markers but did nothing in any game. I heard the PS3 Eye is a good cam to use and I sourced one for just £3 so need to give it a go.

Edit: ^ Thanks for the link Geo! (link seems down/ edit nevermind)
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Look back! Bandit at six o'clock ;)

Fancy TrackIR myself but full retail is out of the question :( Hopefully I can get FTN to work.

If you already have the PS3eye - then by all means go for FTN. But if you need to buy PS3eye (regular webcams dont work as good as PS3eye I heard - its 120Hz vs 30Hz of regular cams iirc) - get second hand Trackir or try making Freetrack.

But some sort of tracker is a really good idea. It completely transforms the feeling of being inside a 3d cockpit looking over the wing and following your prey into the reticle.
I've had the same problem as you with FTN too when I had an old webcam hooked up, tracked fine in the preview window of my face and the yellow markers but did nothing in any game.

Have read here, the first link is for a different game, but the principle that makes FTN work must be universal. You need to install SeeingMachines demo nad then it should work with other games...

EDIT: There is yet another way- buy TrackClip Pro (its a genuine trackir 3 point LED and use it as Freetrack with PS3eye. Apparently the results are indistinguishable from real TrackIR4.
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It doesn't look rubbish if you can get it up and running. Seems reasonably precise considering its free and you don't have to wear any led pointers on your head. Still haven't tried it with the PS3 Eye but just couldn't get it to work previously.
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