IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Well I've got FTN running very sweetly in CloD now, found a great link with a simple file that increases fps of the PS3 Eye up from 30 to 50, making facetracking very smooth now as long as the lighting is good. There are also files from v150 that paste into the v160 install and now FTN works great in rFactor, Race 07, Wings of prey and Rise of Flight. Seems there's no support for Dirt3 or F1 2011 though which is a shame.

Instructions and links to files are here:

Glad to hear you got FaceTrack sorted (great link as well)! How is it holding up in dogfights when you have to move your head at a greater pace compared to casual flying?

I will wait for Cliffs of dover to be on a serious sale elsewhere and in the meantime I have bought Il2 1946 for £5 from gamersgate.

IL2:1946 is a classic! After all those years it even looks all-right still (or have I simply gotten used to it? :)) Make sure you run the very latest patch (4.11.1) and set graphics to OpenGL "perfect mode".

I would also really recommend to try free to play Rise of Flight while you're waiting for CloD, its a fantastic dogfighting WW1 sim.
I've set up the yaw axis to be quite sensitive so I can look behind without having to turn my head too much. I disabled the roll and the move up/down axies because I didn't find they were needed and it helps keep me orientated. I assigned the "lean to gunsight" key to also disable FTN so I'm sure of a stable picture when firing. It's not perfect but overall it works brilliantly imo, well worth the hassle of figuring out how to set it up lol
When i ordered my copy through GAME, I had a CD key displayed on-screen during the final part of the checkout process :confused:

Perhaps those with key problems should log back in the to GAME site & recheck their purchase history? ;)
Perhaps those with key problems should log back in the to GAME site & recheck their purchase history? ;)

Definately nothing there. Cliffs Of Dover isn't even listed on their website now, and hasn't been for over a week.

Also received a PlaystationEye this morning to replace my webcam ( Logitech QuickCam )

The difference it's made to the tracking in FreeTrack is fairly noticeable, but it's even more obvious in FaceTrackNoIR as it doesn't jitter anywhere near as badly now.
Also received a PlaystationEye this morning to replace my webcam ( Logitech QuickCam )

The difference it's made to the tracking in FreeTrack is fairly noticeable, but it's even more obvious in FaceTrackNoIR as it doesn't jitter anywhere near as badly now.

Have you added the cleye.config file mod I mentioned a few posts up? It boosts the fps of the PS3Eye from 30 to 50fps in facetracknoir so makes it even smoother.
Had such a lucky landing - clipped a Dornier coming up from underneath and lost my engine and nose altogether. This plane should not have continued flying!

Have you added the cleye.config file mod I mentioned a few posts up? It boosts the fps of the PS3Eye from 30 to 50fps in facetracknoir so makes it even smoother.

I did thanks.

I'll still use freetrack+ir led at night I think as I prefer to game in dull / dark lighting , but facetracknoir is ideal for daytime use due to, well, daylight :)
They found more bugs and pulled it

"we want to wait and release it properly ....."

what rushing the intial release out the door half assed was not a great first plan ?

So the wait continues
Any Aces got any combat tips? I only run the quick missions at the moment but bloody hell I'm finding it hard lol I've gotten to grips with CEM to an extent but you really need a throttle quadrant and rudder pedal, managing everything with a keyboard and stick is tricky to say the least.

With limited ammo (no fun so turned it off) I run dry after about 20 seconds of gunfire and the Heinkels are almost totally immune to the Spitfire .303 rounds. I fair a little better against fighters but still spend most of my time trying to spot them, losing sight of them and trying to find them again then I ditch in sea after running out of fuel :D

Cracking game though, really enjoying it!
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If you fly with unlimited ammunition you'll never learn to aim :p

It is all about hitting the target in vulnerable spots at your convergence distance, it makes a massive difference, outside of convergence and you can empty your entire load and do very little damage, hit at convergence and you'll be able to take wings off with a half second burst.

The problem I have with convergeance in the game is the conflicting accounts of how it is set in the loadout section. Some say its in yards, others meters, some say hor and vert are inverted etc I just leave it at default but set the target wingspan for whatever I'm targeting.

Against Heinkels I aim for the engines and I see some of my rounds are hitting as debris fly off but they rarely go down. Limited ammo is too hardcore, I'm amazed how quickly it runs dry and I try to be conservative, firing in bursts rather than long streams .
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