IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Erm, is facetracknoir not worth bothering with then?

Seeing all this talk of LED's and whatnot, is facetracknoir rubbish then.

FTN is worth a try at least. Seems fairly dependant on your lighting setup though in my brief tests.

It also had a bit of wobble / movement in the tracking, which could have been down to my lighting not being right / good enough, or not spending enough time to set it up properly.
Well I tried to get FaceTrackNoir to work with a PS3 Eye but I'm getting nowhere.

I sourced the driver for the camera from Code Laboratories and the camera works fine in the CL-Eye Test program. However in FTN I dont see an image from the camera at all.


Windows did install its own driver when I plugged in the camera and I wonder if this caused an issue. I did uninstalled the windows driver but still nothing. Restarting the pc didn't help either and windows just tried to install its own driver again.

I previously tried FaceTrackNoir with an old xbox webcam and I could see a image window and the program did track my movements but it never worked in any actual game.
Did you remember to grab the TIRViews.dll from the TrackIR4/5 software after you install it?

You can remove the TIR4/5 software once you've copied this dll to the FaceTrack folder.
Think I'l just admit defeat and stick to the crappy hat switch lol

edit: I've got it working now to an extent after uninstalling FTN and re-installing with the other setup.exe that comes with it. Axes are all crossed over and it's quite jerky but at least it's responding to head movements in game finally :D
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Think I'l just admit defeat and stick to the crappy hat switch lol

edit: I've got it working now to an extent after uninstalling FTN and re-installing with the other setup.exe that comes with it. Axes are all crossed over and it's quite jerky but at least it's responding to head movements in game finally :D

Heeey! :D Congrats!

Remember to put the webcam/ps3eye below the monitor (not on top like most people keep webcams), apparently FTN is much more effective that way.

Post your first impressions as well:)
Think I'l just admit defeat and stick to the crappy hat switch lol

edit: I've got it working now to an extent after uninstalling FTN and re-installing with the other setup.exe that comes with it. Axes are all crossed over and it's quite jerky but at least it's responding to head movements in game finally :D

Saves me some trouble then, I was just about to try setting it up myself, still might so I can do a comparison with TIR5 :)
FTN is working pretty well in CloD, a bit jerky at times but it works quite nicely :D For the £3 I paid for the PS3 Eye its a great little tool. I'l need to spend quite a bit of time figuring out and fine tuning the curves though.

Is the neutralzone value the deadzone? Any ideas what the EWMA filtering and the EWMA values are for also?

The toggle on/off key for TrackIR doesn't seem to work in CloD though and FTN isn't working at all in Wins of Prey, even though its using the same tracker source and game protocol.
Saves me some trouble then, I was just about to try setting it up myself, still might so I can do a comparison with TIR5 :)

No no, please do!:) It would be a very useful comparison. Most people who try FTN have no reference point and thus their judgement - whether its "great device" or "unusable gimmick" does not mean much.
FTN is working pretty well in CloD, a bit jerky at times but it works quite nicely :D For the £3 I paid for the PS3 Eye its a great little tool. I'l need to spend quite a bit of time figuring out and fine tuning the curves though.

Is the neutralzone value the deadzone? Any ideas what the EWMA filtering and the EWMA values are for also?

The toggle on/off key for TrackIR doesn't seem to work in CloD though and FTN isn't working at all in Wins of Prey, even though its using the same tracker source and game protocol.

EWMA is alternative to smoothing. Smoothing works on all 6 axis at once and EWMA works on separate axis individually.

As for on/of button -there should be a configurable button in FTN soft that does that. No need to rely on ingame trackIR switch.
I'll try and set it up over the next few days :)

I cant imagine its anywhere near as precise and stable as TrackIR5 but I was quite blown away by how well FTN works. I'm not used to headtracking, or even flight sims to be honest so it will take some getting used to but I'm having a a blast in CloD!

FTN uses about 10% cpu but I haven't noticed any drop in the games performance because of it (hope the upcoming patch will smooth out the game tho), got to love the 2500K!
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I ordered mine on the 16th and I still haven't got a code.

I emailed their customer services 2 days ago and I got a copy and paste of their delivery time policies which doesn't make sense as surely it is a download game so they just need to send me the link to download and the code?

Am I missing something?


I had to call Game again this morning as I ordered it last Tuesday & still hadn't received a code.

Needless to say I got an apology & a refund, so I won't be buying from them in the future.
Too bad they couldn't just give you a damn code, £5 is a bargain for this.

Well I've got FTN running very sweetly in CloD now, found a great link with a simple file that increases fps of the PS3 Eye up from 30 to 50, making facetracking very smooth now as long as the lighting is good. There are also files from v150 that paste into the v160 install and now FTN works great in rFactor, Race 07, Wings of prey and Rise of Flight. Seems there's no support for Dirt3 or F1 2011 though which is a shame.

Instructions and links to files are here:

I had to call Game again this morning as I ordered it last Tuesday & still hadn't received a code.

Needless to say I got an apology & a refund, so I won't be buying from them in the future.

It'll be on sale again soon, or you could get the collectors edition from the ubishop for under 18 quid.

I had to call Game again this morning as I ordered it last Tuesday & still hadn't received a code.

Needless to say I got an apology & a refund, so I won't be buying from them in the future.

They told me it was an error and they forgot to send out an email with the link and code. They then said in the same email "Here is a full refund for the game" which I didn't even ask for, I want the game not a refund, just resend the email!

I couldn't be bothered to follow it up or get too annoyed, this is just Game living up to their reputation. I should have known better. I will wait for Cliffs of dover to be on a serious sale elsewhere and in the meantime I have bought Il2 1946 for £5 from gamersgate.
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