didn't know about that. I guess we agree then
PS I don't blame Vettel or RBR they are just doing their job too well. I blame the governing bodies which are not addressing the issue of competitive grid
I blame the competitiors. 10 other teams, 21 other cars, 21 other drivers, thousands of other staff, and nobody can beat them. They need to up their game.
He got the name skyboy from me when sky said they was getting F1 because
Skeeter=guys sky's got F1 do you think I should sign up?
Skeeter= I don't think I will be getting sky now..will stick to the BBC.
Skeeter= guys just got told by sky I can get a good deal for sky F1..what you think?
Skeeter=I'm getting sky...no I'm not..Yes Iam
and so and so on for bloody weeks..That's why!
I Ummed and Ahhhed about getting Sky TV for months before they announced anything related to F1. I had it at my parents and missed it, but couldn't justify the cost.
I placed my online order for Sky TV the day they announced how F1 would be packaged (i.e in HD, not Sports). I didn't get any deals or anything? I just added it to my phone and broadband contract online.
But hey, you will believe what you want and make up anything to fill this forum with endless posts of useless drivel week after week.
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