I downloaded a cough copy
Whats a cough copy. lol
Only kidding, yeah it does look interesting.
I downloaded a cough copy
Hmm...could have sworn I purchased this way back but I'm struggling to find it in my emails. Le suck :/
Find out what bundles you've purchased from and check
I've looked around and I'm fairly sure I don't have it. I do have a vague memory of their site breaking last time I tried to purchase it so perhaps that is what happened :/
I actually just clicked buy on Desura but as Desura is so cack it took ages to load and my impatience meant that I closed it. Oh well...I'll pick it up soon probably
They now have multiplayer!!! if anyone fancies giving it a go with me I have a TS server and game server.
Add me on steam it looks like a laugh with other people.