*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Played on EU99 earlier with Neil79, he had to go out for lunch so I stuck on for awhile longer walked across into a town and found two heaps of loot behind a shed :) unlucky survivors must have had a shoot out. Two pistols, large backpack and couple of M9 helmets, walked straight back out, hid under a tree and logged out. Result - hopefully will be able to join up later again with Neil79.

Just going to hop on now again for 30 minutes or so with another character. Got some new games for my old Amstrad that need playing :)
I just killed two guys at the the airport, I don't know if they spawned in behind me or what but I caught one creeping on me. I have more weapons than I know what to do with.

So that brings my total to 3 bandits, 0 civilians :D

How am I supposed to do anything then? I can't loot a thing without dying seeing as I can't even kill a zombie?

You have to hit the zombies in the head with your flash light otherwise you'll never kill them.

Alternatively stealth around the zombies until you find a better weapon
You have to hit the zombies in the head with your flash light otherwise you'll never kill them.

Alternatively stealth around the zombies until you find a better weapon

How come I don't start with a flashlight/bandages anymore? It sucks.. it's almost impossible to do anything.

I have nothing at all to kill them with. I just get caught by a zombie and end up dead.
I always start a new guy with nothing, just sneak around like you are meant to :)

Dont expect the game to give you anything cause it won't you have to work for your stuff.
........ was simply asking why I didn't start with a flashlight when I always did before.. jesus its just a simple question.
Wow you took offence to that? Calm down m8 or you will give yourself piles dude. I will chuck in some fluffy bunny pics next time

Didn't take offence, just wanted an answer, not someone to tell me to work for my stuff. I thought every new character started with a flashlight + badages.
Well, I suck. I made my way to smallville or something, found a pistol, evaded some humans and then got eaten.
haha, similar thing to me, found a large backpack, bunch of items, a bat and a m4 i think, got into a store and panicked, shot a zombie and like 15 come. I survived but wasted all my gun ammo.
The bat is ****. It takes about 50 hits to take down a zombie. Is it broken?

i've found it to be very random with all the melee wepaons i've had-hammer bat even pick-axe. I've dropped some zombies in about 4/5 hits others i've just given up and run away and hid behind a tree!!
@Neil79, you told me about a server or clan or something last night that was mainly ocuk guys, can't remember what you told me to google. couldn't hit me up with that info again?

also i seen mentioned earlier in the thread some folks talking about renting a server. i'd merrily donate on a monthly basis if it helps
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