There are many who would like to see a game of the same type i.e. vast and open world. The above game seems obviously to be cashing in, just in terms of the name. Many can’t run DayZ high enough to get reasonable graphics, plus all the glitches that arma 2 has that are still being ironed out (you have to really love the game to stick with it sometimes) it can seem a pointless route to go down.
There is huge potential for DayZ to develop into something great, if a modding community similar to the one the arma series has already, get behind it, then really you would find it hard to touch, scale and addon wise. It’s a big ‘if’ though, but there are fans in the arma playing community who like dayz and some are mod makers and of course there will be new players who will possibly make terrains/addons for it. BIS provide the tools to do it and also the editor for players to do almost anything they like with missions etc, it’s a hard act to follow, I would imagine.
But for the many that can’t run a2 that well, a new zombie game along similar lines would, no doubt, be a godsend..
The only reason why many find it hard to run dayz, is that it is based on probably the heaviest island/terrain to run ‘Chernarus’, however there are lots of terrains for arma 2 well over 100, many are a lot lighter to run. Already ‘Lingor’ terrain is now available for dayz, although that’s quite heavy to run as well, but ‘Dingor’ will follow suit and that’s a lite version terrain to run. I would, if I were a fan of the zombie genre, keep an eye on dayz, there could be much bigger things ahead..