*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

right guys have whacked up a teamspeak 3 server which you lot are free to use

Not many slots on there currently but if there's lots of interest i'll increase the maximum number
3rd c-mag find of the day, they've definitely tweaked the loot on this.

A mean bandit took it before i got to safe zone though.

Who's on now, we all using 99 again?
Any thoughts on using something other than 99, seems as though there are already 3 regular clans on there.

Trying to get TS working now, found an old mic/headphones.
hey m8

cheers for the hammer and drink before i got killed on that hill :)

Missed this, no worries m8. Some random I came across earlier, I even gave him a loaded shotgun he was well happy. I thought he would shoot me in the back and take my backpack etc but he turned the other way and ran off. I only kill those who have guns already (not OcUK members though), if I come across people who are unarmed I do try to give them something if I can even if its a flashlight. Horrible with no weapon at all.

you've lost me :confused:

Think he meant me :)
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Missed this, no worries m8. Some random I came across earlier, I even gave him a loaded shotgun he was well happy. I thought he would shoot me in the back and take my backpack etc but he turned the other way and ran off. I only kill those who have guns already, if I come across people who are unarmed I do try to give them something if I can even if its a flashlight. Horrible with no weapon at all.

Think he meant me :)

yes cheers m8y was on hill jumping up n down :)

like i said before all welcome to join our ts or even join our clan we all laid back all older as well :)

Does anyone know, are they going to make server options so that you cant be killed by bandits?...

Seems everyone just kills anyone on sight anyway in this game even if you don't have any weapon and say your friendly.
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