*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Hi Jamor I'm just adding your TS3 details now I normally roll with a group of 6-10 of us. But most of them go to bed early :D so ill jump on when they go to bed also handy if we end up on a server together I can quickly login and let you no where to avoid :d I'd hate to kill a fellow ocuker by mistake.

Also if any of the new players on here need some loot let me no I can sort you a medium backpack hammer and a basic weapon and binocs to help you build your survivor.

I find once i get a medium backpack hammer and binocs im good to go.
£1 mic from a computer fair about 8 years ago is how I roll :D with a set of HD555's
Any cheap desktop mic will do a great job you can pick them up for a couple of quid.

I just checked the TS server I may jump on in a bit if the boys are busy just watching Liverpool match and cooking some tea.
I heard about a mythical hidden tent with lots of loot so I went searching, haven't found it.

I did find a snipers hide though, it's on the hill near peasant ville, i will be checking that on the empty servers in the morning.
£1 mic from a computer fair about 8 years ago is how I roll :D with a set of HD555's
Any cheap desktop mic will do a great job you can pick them up for a couple of quid.

I just checked the TS server I may jump on in a bit if the boys are busy just watching Liverpool match and cooking some tea.

I have a desktop mic but when I plug the beast in I get mega feedback.
NEVER teaming with randoms again!!!!!!!!

Me and noobie running along with 2 randoms, then one turns on us both, I had the drop on him for ages and was nice...grrr!!!
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Sigh, just got blown away in Clearview. Unarmed.

Hope your enjoy the gas mask, because that's all you're gonna get out of me. Didn't even give me a chance, walked around the corner and boom. Ah well. :D
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