sweet, dont forget to get some build pics up
I swear I will for every project, never do
I'll get some pics of the desk, the filters and exhaust, and PCI passthroughs when done. If I'm really good you may even get some of the scratch build etc.
sweet, dont forget to get some build pics up
I bought one of these, really happy with it.
What sort of flow rate should I be looking for?
With my current pump profile i'm getting around 1.5 l/min
Mine is running as delivered.
I can't hear a sound from it at all to be honest.
but which side is inlet for you?
Ok i should give mine another try, i really like the idea of this but the noise was just too much.
aquacomputer ones are way too expensive 50€ and 70€ also they have impellers not pressure sensors, so the danger of having the same problem with noise. If I wanted to pay 100€ id buy the aquaero 6LT and monitor water temps that way.