I still dunno what the point of 1080p ultra benchmarks are - either 1080p low to bench the CPU or higher res ultra to benchmark the GPU and/or show the significance of the CPU at the kind of resolutions and settings people will be playing at... I'd imagine most people aren't buying a 285K to pair up with a RTX4060...
1080P is still the primary resolution at 57% according to Steam, but that's not really the point, when you're testing how good the CPU is at driving the GPU in games you want to set it up so that the CPU, not the GPU becomes the bottleneck, otherwise its not a review of the CPU's gaming performance, its a GPU review
I have had my 5800X for 4 years, the GPU i have it paired with now is faster than the fastest GPU available when that CPU was reviewed, WAY faster.... Anandtech actually went the extra mile and tested at 720P or even lower, that showed the 5800X to be 10 to 20% faster than a 10900K i was also considering at the time with them being similarly priced.
Other reviewers tested at 1080P or higher and while they also showed the 5800X to be the best gaming CPU it was by a much smaller margin.
Today when you see these CPU's on the same slide with modern GPU's you see that >20% difference between the 5800X and 10900K on all of them.
I knew that when i bought it, because i read the Anandtech review, as a result of that my modern GPU has its best chance with this now 4/5 year old CPU.
I'm a huge advocate of low resolution testing, because if you're not doing that you're not testing the CPU properly.
RIP Anandtech.
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