What? 7700K used 30% more than 8 core Ryzen 7 in gaming power consumption?
That are not true.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
7700K: 237W
5 1400: 247W
5 1500X: 240W
5 1600: 252W
5 1600X: 252W
7 1700: 245W
7 1700X: 254W
7 1800X: 262W
7700K: 283W
7700K OC 5GHz: 310W
5 1500X: 261W
5 1500X OC 4.2GHz: 287W
5 1600X: 268W
5 1600X OC 4.1GHz: 285W
7 1700: 254W
7 1700 OC 4GHz: 288W
7 1700X: 261W
7 1800X: 273W
I think there are so many other games used less power consumption on 7700K than Ryzen 7 8 core CPUs. Wished all hardware websites reviewed PC games should included PC system power consumption in all games reviews and benchmarks.
I remembered played Evil Within 3 years ago first time on GTX 970, the system power consumption was 250W then I played Evil Within again few weeks ago on GTX 1070 and was surprised to see it used less than half system power consumption at just 120W.
Even by your links the 8 Core Rysen is using no more than the 4 Core Intel, it also depends on how much stress in on the CPU, this is an average across 20 games..