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Intel’s Price Reduction on July 22

MikeTimbers said:
So do I and that's exactly where Quad-core could suddenly be worth the extra hundred quid. At an extra £400, it wasn't worth it but for those doing Folding@Home, quad-core with 4MB Cache has suddenly become a very tasty rig!

dont the c2q's have 8mb cache?
WJA96 said:
The last lot went through on the day the new chips were released, but not everyone moved immediately.

Some places like OcUK dropped the price of the Q6600 a good few days even before the price drop date.
Price drops are inevitable, depends how long you want to play the waiting game... heh... I'm still on Socket 939 and am waiting for the July price drops before making a move - quads look very tempting. :D
kbc said:
Price drops are inevitable, depends how long you want to play the waiting game... heh... I'm still on Socket 939 and am waiting for the July price drops before making a move - quads look very tempting. :D

Exact same story here. Although I originally waited for the April price drops and then decided to wait again...
WJA96 said:
Mountain biking term for the guy with all the titanium trick kit but no idea how to use it - All the Gear and No Idea - AGNI

It's not a mountain biking term. It's a generic term. If you can prove it came fom a mountain biking club originally I'd be staggered.

And it's a stupid expression for people that are jealous of other people's kit. Why shouldn't a rich noob have a vastly expensive mountain bike if it will help them to learn?
$loth said:
Thinking of upgrading if I get a new job soon enough (interview tuesday). Do you think that the price of the lower end (e4300) will drop?
Cheapest range includes the e2140 & e2160 and I dont expect them to drop much. I hoped they had a higher fsb wall than the e4x00 I wall around 395fsb with a mobo I expect to do 500fsb at least.
I see those Core 2 Quad Q6600's rapidly disappearing from etailer's "shelves" when the price drops, seems like everyone on every forum is awaiting the cuts, women & children first will not apply, it's every nerd for himself ... (he said with finger poised over the buy button!) :eek: :D
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Robbie G said:
And it's a stupid expression for people that are jealous of other people's kit. Why shouldn't a rich noob have a vastly expensive mountain bike if it will help them to learn?

Someone just bought a mountain bike... Still on a socket 939 here, going to wait until July before sys upgrade tot he quad core. Im all nerdy excited.
Robbie G said:
It's not a mountain biking term. It's a generic term. If you can prove it came fom a mountain biking club originally I'd be staggered.

And it's a stupid expression for people that are jealous of other people's kit. Why shouldn't a rich noob have a vastly expensive mountain bike if it will help them to learn?

Yeah dude I would have to agree as I have heard it used in Showjumping terms too.

The folk who bring there horses to compititions in quarter of a million pounds horseboxes and get eliminated at the first fence.

I think there is a difference though as a better bike isnt going to make you a better rider but a a better horse will.

Sorry yeah anyway computers and that........
I see those Core 2 Quad Q6600's rapidly disappearing from etailer's "shelves" when the price drops, seems like everyone on every forum is awaiting the cuts, women & children first will not apply, it's every nerd for himself ... (he said with finger poised over the buy button!)

I would personally advice to wait for G0 stepping if you are into serious overclocks, form what i have seen over at Ex forum it seems to be overclocking like mad on air, 4300mhz for a engineering sample quad, although have to say that the ES ones do seem to overclock better than retail ones.
Robbie G said:
It's not a mountain biking term. It's a generic term. If you can prove it came fom a mountain biking club originally I'd be staggered.

Well, I first came across it in 1993 in Mountain Biker International in an interview with Julie Furtado, so I have always used it in terms of mountain biking.

Robbie G said:
And it's a stupid expression for people that are jealous of other people's kit.

There will always we talented riders/athletes/drivers etc. who don't have the funding that their talent deserves, but that doesn't mean they are envious of other peoples equipment, just pained that they could probably do better with it. In the interview I read, Furtado was describing a situation where she was beating rich amateurs in races in *** US, despite the fact that she was racing with carp equipment. Her point was she was faster with good equipment, but she was just plain faster than most because she had the talent, the training and the commitment to win.

And believe me, I have adequate disposable income to ensure that I have no reason to be envious of anyone, short of someone with a P1 or WRC ride. And I use the AGANI term freely.

Robbie G said:
Why shouldn't a rich noob have a vastly expensive mountain bike if it will help them to learn?

No reason at all, but can't the rest of us (rich noobs with talent included) laugh at people who think a better bike will make them a better rider. The truth, as I'm sure you are aware, is that the best way to drop 1kg off your racing weight is to go to the toilet, but many people (myself included) will insist on spending a lot of money on a seatpost or somesuch because it's a bit lighter etc. etc.

And the simile is just as good with computers because many people will spend hundreds on kit that doesn't run as fast, largely because they don't do their homework, and that, I'm afaid is the very definition of AGANI - the have all the gear, but they have no idea why it's not giving them the performance they require. If you read my 7,000 odd posts you'll see that I never extract the urine from noobs, or laugh at people who've made obvious mistakes, because generally, I did that as well, sometime in the last 15 years or so. I generally only speak as I find and I'm lucky enough that I can test a lot of stuff. Including my shiny new Whyte 46. ;)
Captain Kirk said:
Grrrr, I hate technology. Every time I consider upgrading my computer, something much better appears on the horizon, and I wait to see what it will be like. Then when I think. "lets go for it" something else crops up!

It's great isn't it? :)
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