Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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nice :D good luck to you mate ;)

good luck Russ! :D

Thanks :).

Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me..

Don't go into it thinking "SHE'S THE ONE"
Take it as it comes..

You haven't met yet? Without trying to burst your bubble, being in someones company is a bit different to talking online and texting. But if you get on online, you are obviously intellectually matched. I suppose that is more than half the battle won.

I wish you luck mate.

And I know... I know! But it's easier said than done.

I was pretty into a couple of girls before finding her - got on well with them, good looking, etc. But there was always something wrong (plus I'm generally picky). This new girl is just the next step up - gorgeous, and for once isn't a hair dresser or studying childcare (she's actually doing diplomas in maths and computing). She's also 18 - the lowest I could go within the golden rule, but who's complaining ;).

It's weird how close we've got in such a short amount of time - weirdly/sadly so that I won't go into details!
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Impressive. She is good looking, but still meeting someone in real life is surely different to talking online and texting? Are you due to meet soon?

I say that because I've never met a girl online, not against it, just never thought about doing it.
Impressive. She is good looking, but still meeting someone in real life is surely different to talking online and texting? Are you due to meet soon?

Oh, totally agree. And yes, although no fixed date. We've only been speaking for under 2 weeks, I was pretty much the first person she spoke to properly online and as she's 18 etc I understand why she wants to wait to meet. Let's just say she also waits for other things... ;).

Whatever happens happens, but I can't help but get excited like a little kid!
Oh, totally agree. And yes, although no fixed date. We've only been speaking for under 2 weeks, I was pretty much the first person she spoke to properly online and as she's 18 etc I understand why she wants to wait to meet. Let's just say she also waits for other things... ;).

Whatever happens happens, but I can't help but get excited like a little kid!

long as you see it for what it is at the moment. it makes you feel good, shes gorgeous and theres possibilites, its gotta make you sleep well!:)
Oh, totally agree. And yes, although no fixed date. We've only been speaking for under 2 weeks, I was pretty much the first person she spoke to properly online and as she's 18 etc I understand why she wants to wait to meet. Let's just say she also waits for other things... ;).

Whatever happens happens, but I can't help but get excited like a little kid!

lol. Good attitude. Good luck mate.
Oh and to all of you out there, there ARE some winners out there, it's just finding them. Here are three girls that I'm still speaking to online regularly and texting/calling (some more often than others!). All pics from Facebook...

She's 16 so not doing anything, but just look :eek:

Brunette, far right



So just because the last few sign-ups and messages have been from dumbass heffers, don't give up! I've been doing this for about 6 months and the past month or so has seen the biggest haul (as in, chat and get on well online, spoke on phone and added to Facebook etc) of decent girls than the rest put together.

There's a few I'm speaking to that have since closed their accounts/don't use Facebook too, so no pictures I'm afraid! One is now a pretty good friend - she's a Russian/German living in Bristol who's currently travelling the world pretty much. Pretty gorgeous and used to be a model but too tall for me (5ft 9" :p).

Don't give up!
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Problem with the young girls is they will eventually want to see if the grass is greener on the other side. If you're older and more experienced you might fall for her as you know you're onto a good thing. She hasn't the experience to tell her to hold on to it, and it'll likely end up in tears when she eventually breaks away to try new things.
I've met about 5 girls in real life from the net. 2 of which I had 1.5+ year relationships with, one who I went out with for about 2 weeks... the others, well "you looked better online". (I'm too shallow for my own good). I've had plenty of drawn out conversations with others and still keep in contact with some on a promise that I'll meet them someday.

None of whom I met from a dating site.

I used to find them on MySpace, using the browse function. The problem with dating sites is that there is an agenda, there's a reason to be there and it gives women a lot more power to dismiss you based on initial contact, or decide that the conversation is going no where based on the (very forward) nature of some men on dating sites during the early periods of communication. Something which I don't really like, I like to get to know women before telling them how I'd like to pork sword them over a kitchen counter.

My last long term girlfriend was on MySpace, she had her mood set to 'sad' or something along those lines. I sent her a message saying "You are stunningly beautiful. I thought I'd just send this message to try and cheer you up as your status said you were sad :)" or something along those lines, and conversation flowed from there. Other times I've just added people and they'll almost always say hey, or ask how they know you, at which point you can be a bit tongue and cheek.

I think in this day and age a little innovation gets you a long way, so try a new approach and see how you do :)
Russ you didnt post a chippendale pic on your profile or something did you

Ha, no. Just don't act like a normal ****. They've all added me to Facebook and haven't run yet...

Problem with the young girls is they will eventually want to see if the grass is greener on the other side. If you're older and more experienced you might fall for her as you know you're onto a good thing. She hasn't the experience to tell her to hold on to it, and it'll likely end up in tears when she eventually breaks away to try new things.

Agreed. Luckily she was with her ex for 3 years so has a good idea of what she wants now.
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Funny you should say that, just yesterday I was watching a video of one of the famous PUA artists called "Style" and said that Myspace is the best place to meet women online too.

The problem with dating sites is that there is an agenda, there's a reason to be there and it gives women a lot more power to dismiss you based on initial contact

Very true, especially the power part.
I signed up on POF to contact this stunning girl, her profile was amazing I had never been so 'impressed' by a profile before. Really sweet and sounds so genuine.

She doesn't do much for the Asian and gaming stereotype though because A) She's Asian and B) She loves gaming. :p :D

I deleted my account not that long ago without getting to talk to her, now this is an epic turn of events as it turned out we were both in the same "The Cake is not a lie" group on Steam. :eek: and she's as lovely as I thought she would be, also said she was really sorry for not getting back in contact quicker on POF as she went all shy, lol. :D
Personally, if the girl's profile wasn't worth tailoring a message for, then I wouldn't bother contacting in the first place.

But then again, I messaged this girl who had a nice photo and a completely blank profile, and we ended up having a lovely back and forth conversation for months.

You never know!
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