Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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But then again, I messaged this girl who had a nice photo and a completely blank profile, and we ended up having a lovely back and forth conversation for months.

You never know!

Law of averages have me thinking that if they aren't willing to put in the effort, they are probably only there to puff up their ego.
Hi guys,

Been a while since I've had a cancellation so wanted some advice from the pros..

A girl sent me a message online. Got her number (Monday) and arranged a date for Thursday while texting/flirting in between. She cancelled as she said she wasn't well and she wanted to reschedule. She did sound ill on the phone.

Text: Would love to meet tonight but I'm afriad I'm going to have to to rubbish and cancel... really sorry. I'm still quite sick and wouldn't want to pass it on to you. Maybe we could arrange some other time.

Me. Naughty, hope you feel better. We can reschedule for next week but you're buying the drinks and no ice-cream.

That's just mean Smile no ice-cream, I will text you when I'm better and we can work out a good day.

Me. sounds good, maybe if you are lovely in person we can do thte ice-cream, speak soon, have a great weekend.

Her. Smile you too.

What do I do now and what are your views? Don't want to come across as needy but asking her out again but I still want to keep her interested. I've noticed she's been online (her profile said she's online) so wasn't sure what to do. Should I text, I have a slot on Monday and we can meet then?

Recommendations guys. And yes, probably my texts were rubbish.
Hi guys,
What do I do now and what are your views? Don't want to come across as needy but asking her out again but I still want to keep her interested. I've noticed she's been online (her profile said she's online) so wasn't sure what to do. Should I text, I have a slot on Monday and we can meet then?

Recommendations guys. And yes, probably my texts were rubbish.

I was in the exact same position a few weeks ago, we kept planning to meet up and then she would come up with some kind of excuse not to make it, after the 4th (!) attempt I found out she has trust issues with men. Not sure whether to believe that though. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you don't run in to the same problems that I did!
Used it once. It was a free site. Got an e-mail from a girl, we met a week later and were married six months after that. That was 5 years ago :)

Am I the only one whom gets the impression that you've only ever seen her twice in your life?

You emailed, then met a week later. 6 months later you meet again and marry, and haven't seen her for 5 years... :p
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Other times I've just added people and they'll almost always say hey, or ask how they know you, at which point you can be a bit tongue and cheek.

I think in this day and age a little innovation gets you a long way, so try a new approach and see how you do :)

Talking of adding random people, and innevitable "how do I know you", feel free to copy + paste this:

Hi, sorry for the random add, saw u in some pics, thought u looked nice :) hope u don't mind :P

I would say about 10 in 700 random adds has taken offence. The rest after this is up to you, but this is the infallible foot-in-the-door sentence :rolleyes:
Hi guys,

Been a while since I've had a cancellation so wanted some advice from the pros..

</skip cringing texts!>

What do I do now and what are your views? Don't want to come across as needy but asking her out again but I still want to keep her interested. I've noticed she's been online (her profile said she's online) so wasn't sure what to do. Should I text, I have a slot on Monday and we can meet then?

Recommendations guys. And yes, probably my texts were rubbish.

Wait, play it cool. You have a rapport with her, cringing as it may be to us outsiders, and she will not forget it easily.

The last text did unfortunately close off any agendaless convo for the entirety of the weekend, for future ref finish with something less definite, or shorter term, "hope you feel better soon, speak soon" or even, have a great evening.

With that in mind, it may be awkward to contact her again earlier than your signoff indicated, without obviously having a reason other than enjoying conversation with her. Regardless, if you do manage to, or better yet, she texts/contacts you, you can let her know about your window on monday without "letting her know" :p Subtlety is key, so "what are you upto next week" or "what days are you free" are out the window :rolleyes: Try asking about work, any big projects, christmas party plans and other small talk, which should trigger an in-kind counter question, into which you can weave how you've been given monday afternoon off for reason XY etc etc, you see where I'm going, I hope :D

Bit of a ramble, but key points:

Be cool, you don't need to be the first contact for every conversation.
Be subtle :p

Good luck ;)
I agree with the last post, saying "have a nice weekend" effectively shuts down communication for the duration. If I were in the same situation I would wait for her to contact me since she's feeling sick which is the limiting factor on when you can see each other.
I've been guilty of something similar.
I added a girl on facebook who I knew from the supermarket I shopped at. We agreed to meet up for a drink but she canceled on me last minute which I took it to mean she was making excuses not to meet. So i kinda just said 'ok cya around'..
She was a bit taken aback, but it was too late to redeem it for me, so who knows what might've happened. Damn my stubbornness :)
You can obviously get this one back though, just have to wait it out :)
However, saying have a nice weekend makes it sound like you've got lots of important things to do over the weekend that will keep you busy - therefore it suits you to just speak to her next week.

This may serve to make her want to talk to may not! :p

Wait it out, see if she contacts you, if she hasnt by Sun night, give her a txt saying you hope she's feeling better (praps dont ask if she is as thats wanting conversation - saying ' i hope you are etc' isnt as needy...)
Haha, it would be HILARIOUS if she was reading these forums and seen what a pussy you're being over all of this lol.

Stop analysing everything and just speak to her like you would any other girl. You know her a hell of a lot more than anyone else on these forums so just do what you think is right.
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