Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Joined for the joke of it all.

1st night:

recieved 5 messages, sent 11 messages. So far only one person took the step of being the first to initiate contact with me through a message.
I've never done internet dating, but I did meet my girlfriend on the internet, neither of us were looking, we just got talking and one thing lead to another really. I knew her for about 8 months before I told her I liked her and would like to meet her etc (asked out wouldn’t really be the right way of phrasing it in this case). We've been together for 2 years and 4 months now.

The only caveat is, being Dutch she lives in the Netherlands, so it's a long distance thing, and will continue to be so for at least 2 years yet due to her circumstances ...and having spent about 5 months total in the Netherlands now I know I could never live there, I don’t really like the place all said and done.

However I quite like the long distance thing to be honest, I got so used to being on my own for ...well for err 23 years I guess that when we have been together for more than a week I start feeling I need to get away and get my space back, so it works for me right now. I don't think she is quite so keen, but we'll deal with that when circumstances change and require us to I guess. No reason to change anything right now.

But yea, internet 'dating' can work.
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My Mum handed me a Daily Fail article the other day, which said once women hit 30 they should lower their expectations if they want to find a husband.

Clearly i'm such a disappointment to her, that she thinks I should settle for "Mr Ok" and not "Mr Perfect" I don't see why I should lower my standards.

I've given up on the dating sites for the time being after eharmony took £60 of my money over 4 months, which brought me 3 dates, and one snog (at least I have had a snog which I hadn't for 11 months! :o )

I shall just carry on being a disappointment to my Mum, and try and work out what's wrong with me. Never mind! :)

Aw, Knip you're a nice girl, don't give up and don't lower your standards, I'm sure you will find the right go soon. :)
Got man handled onto the dance floor by 5 lesbians on Friday night
Ended up back at a house of some random 24 year old last night.
Internet not required. :D
Truro again... I am beginning to warm to this town :D
Well, I did a bit of POFing and then went inactive for a while, then I got back on there before xmas and started talking to an older lass. We seemed to hit it off and we have had a far few dates and all that... a spot of canoodling and hanky panky has been done, and its all quite nice when we are with each other, but I know for a fcat that it won't last as she has already hinted that she isnt sure what she wants at the moment (due to her past history). She had binned off her POF profile as well, which I had done as well because I was fed up with rubbish that was coming through... anyway, for some daft reason I had a gander on there yesterday, before I met up with the lady friend for the evening for some general enjoying of each other company, cheeky cuddles in front of the tv and bedroom athletics... and guess what, her profile is back again.

Well, I would say something to her, but to be honest I just can't seem to want to open up that can of worms. I shall keep up with our general dating and hanky panky, but I suspect in the near furture I might as well just call it a day as she is obviously sorting out some issues in her head.

Ah the joy... and god only knows why I am posting this here. I suppose I just need somewhere to vent and don't want to look like a plonker in front of my mates.
Well, I did a bit of POFing and then went inactive for a while, then I got back on there before xmas and started talking to an older lass. We seemed to hit it off and we have had a far few dates and all that... a spot of canoodling and hanky panky has been done, and its all quite nice when we are with each other, but I know for a fcat that it won't last as she has already hinted that she isnt sure what she wants at the moment (due to her past history). She had binned off her POF profile as well, which I had done as well because I was fed up with rubbish that was coming through... anyway, for some daft reason I had a gander on there yesterday, before I met up with the lady friend for the evening for some general enjoying of each other company, cheeky cuddles in front of the tv and bedroom athletics... and guess what, her profile is back again.

Well, I would say something to her, but to be honest I just can't seem to want to open up that can of worms. I shall keep up with our general dating and hanky panky, but I suspect in the near furture I might as well just call it a day as she is obviously sorting out some issues in her head.

Ah the joy... and god only knows why I am posting this here. I suppose I just need somewhere to vent and don't want to look like a plonker in front of my mates.

Just because it is with some online girl doesn't mean it would be any different if it was someone you met off the internet.

Unless you two are an item there is no reason to say anything, just enjoy the ride or forget about her, unless you have feelings for her......
Aye, you are right.. its not just because of where I met her that she is like that. I suppose we aren't an item, but I do like her otherwise I wouldnt meet up with her, and I can only assume she likes me otherwise she would invite me round. Well... if its a source of sex, Im not going to turn it down. I shall just keep enjoying it until a) I decide that I want more out of it, or b) she gets bored of me.

Simples :D
Just curious lads, when would you say its appropriate to ask a girl out on a date? Eg just a simple meet up etc.


I saw a girl online,
I sent her a message
She answered (pretty damn long, and it looks pretty thoughtful with plenty of questions for me to answer), finished off with "is there anything left you want to ask me......."

How many more rounds should I wait before I ask to meet up?
Just curious lads, when would you say its appropriate to ask a girl out on a date? Eg just a simple meet up etc.


I saw a girl online,
I sent her a message
She answered (pretty damn long, and it looks pretty thoughtful with plenty of questions for me to answer), finished off with "is there anything left you want to ask me......."

How many more rounds should I wait before I ask to meet up?

Personally I wouldn't ask in an email. I generally try and get msn to have a decent chat and then ask her number. Once you talk to her on the phone then ask her out.
Just curious lads, when would you say its appropriate to ask a girl out on a date? Eg just a simple meet up etc.


I saw a girl online,
I sent her a message
She answered (pretty damn long, and it looks pretty thoughtful with plenty of questions for me to answer), finished off with "is there anything left you want to ask me......."

How many more rounds should I wait before I ask to meet up?

Quote her message where she asks if there is anything left to ask and reply with "out on a date" and nothing else.

See how she responds.
Personally I wouldn't ask in an email. I generally try and get msn to have a decent chat and then ask her number. Once you talk to her on the phone then ask her out.

Hmm, good advice, I'll give it a try.

Quote her message where she asks if there is anything left to ask and reply with "out on a date" and nothing else.

See how she responds.

.....Probably not thanks :p
As soon as they reply to my message (or if they initiate it, as soon as I reply) I give them my MSN address and get them to add me. Depending on the situation/who they are I'd be happy meeting the next day, but usually it's a case of talking for a couple of days before I ask.

Luckily I seem to have a knack of getting girls to trust me very quickly. I don't know why, or how, bur everyone I speak to seems to trust me with their life story and things they haven't told their closest friends within a few hours of chatting.
As soon as they reply to my message (or if they initiate it, as soon as I reply) I give them my MSN address and get them to add me. Depending on the situation/who they are I'd be happy meeting the next day, but usually it's a case of talking for a couple of days before I ask.

Luckily I seem to have a knack of getting girls to trust me very quickly. I don't know why, or how, bur everyone I speak to seems to trust me with their life story and things they haven't told their closest friends within a few hours of chatting.

Personally I hate MSN, for some reason I find it hard to keep conversations going. Any Pro Tips that you wish to share? (eg a conversation list to make sure I'm doing it right lol).

By God that's an embarrassing thing to ask for :/
.....Probably not thanks :p

Spoil sport!

Luckily I seem to have a knack of getting girls to trust me very quickly. I don't know why, or how, bur everyone I speak to seems to trust me with their life story and things they haven't told their closest friends within a few hours of chatting.

Girls like to talk, I can recall this with a few girls I use to talk with online (wasn't internet dating though).

I'm sure many many others could say the same, its because you are anonymous, there are less inhibitions talking to a stranger than a friend.

If you throw in a few lies about yourself and big yourself up you'll find internet dating a lot more fun! Don't be a spoil sport like ac1d1ty ;)
Is there a general consensus of which is the best paid site? I am just out of a long term relationship and new to all this. I am a bit wary of POF being free and anyone can access it etc. Don't want my mates clocking me on a dating site. :D
So there I was, reading this thread, about to post about how my Unred/Read/Deleted is still the same, with 0 Replies, and PlentyOfFools emails me that I've got a message!!!

Subject: hi
Message: hi

I am not overly hopeful that this will lead anywhere.
Is there a general consensus of which is the best paid site? I am just out of a long term relationship and new to all this. I am a bit wary of POF being free and anyone can access it etc. Don't want my mates clocking me on a dating site. :D

General rule is, even on pay sites, you can still search for free. But your mates, unless they're all the opposite gender, or if you're all same-sex-oriented, aren't likely to be searching for you anyway!
Sure enough, she's given me her msn address and now isn't saying a thing. Spammer or attention whore is the preliminary conclusion (if that even makes sense).
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