Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I never said they can. Was just confused when he said 'guys', which I associate with the male gender.

To be honest I hate the whole one night stand culture, whoever does it. It may be the fact that I will probably never have a one night stand, just because I like having a girlfriend. I'm young but 'old fashioned'... Call me a sucker, I don't care.

there not anyone you really fancy, lust after, who just isnt relationship material? One night stands have their purpose.
there not anyone you really fancy, lust after, who just isnt relationship material? One night stands have their purpose.

Don't think I've ever 'really fancied' someone I don't want to be in a relationship with.

I can see where you're coming from, just doesn't really interest me, maybe I'm missing the point.
there not anyone you really fancy, lust after, who just isnt relationship material? One night stands have their purpose.

Indeed! Basically dirty tramp-girls who you can just be dirty with for a night and try some nasty stuff, but kind of never look at them with any respect again.

Did I really just type that?
exactly, otherwise yor other alternative is to go for a prostitute. Being a succesful pimp I will offer reduced price to OCuK members. The recession has hit us pimps hard.
Why are 90% of the girls on there psycho and weirdos.
I've stopped using the site now as it's just full of FREAKS. I know there will be some genuinely nice people on there, just my experience is a bit of a crud one atm.

I got hit with a case of the MySpace angles on one girl and now she won't leave me alone. Mithering me all the time to go visit her at Uni. Texting me a lot, asking me to phone her all the time.

I wouldn't mind but i've not really spoke to her that much, she just texts random turd all the time.
And I'm not a shallow person or anything but people seriously do need to put proper photo's on PlentyOfFish, i'm a tubster myself but i'm sorry if there is no physical attraction there then i'm just not interested.

I guess I shouldn't have been so polite in the first place, I just entertained her messages to me and had polite convo.

Other thing is, as soon as I sign on MSN, she'll message me 'Hiya sexy' and I reply 'Hiya', and that's it, lol nothing more. Excellent conversationalist. I think I might just have to start ignoring her, it's the only way!

This has happened to me aswell recently, its just like AGHAGAGHAHAAGHGHAGHAGHA :p
The word all in the title of this thread has been bugging me for months.

Wish I'd changed it when I had the access.
[TW]Fox;15850523 said:
Why do you think?

For nice, normal, non weird girls finding a guy isnt exactly hard, is it? So the fact they've had to resort to the internet probably answers your question :p

So if that's the case people must think i'm a psycho or a weirdo :(

I didn't think I was either one though...
My Mum handed me a Daily Fail article the other day, which said once women hit 30 they should lower their expectations if they want to find a husband.

Clearly i'm such a disappointment to her, that she thinks I should settle for "Mr Ok" and not "Mr Perfect" I don't see why I should lower my standards.

I've given up on the dating sites for the time being after eharmony took £60 of my money over 4 months, which brought me 3 dates, and one snog (at least I have had a snog which I hadn't for 11 months! :o )

I shall just carry on being a disappointment to my Mum, and try and work out what's wrong with me. Never mind! :)
Just thought I would add my finds after 2 and a half months of internet dating.

I have joined three sites, Match, FHM Dates and POF.


Had no success at all, when searching there are loads of nice attractive women with great profiles but even though I have sent out lots of well written whitty messages I have only had 1 reply, and that was from a nice Christian girl who said she thought I was nice but wanted to date a fellow Christian.

21 messages sent, 1 bad reply.


Not much better here, sent lots of messages out, had some replies. Most replies have been very short one sentence ones, felt like pulling teeth so with 3 or so replies back and forth just gave up. I had a little luck with one user, sent some nice messages back and forth, then one day she just never replied. Shes still online most days so god knows what happened there!

87 messages sent, around 20 replies.

FHM Dates:

This has been the most successful, which I was very surprised at as it was a whim after a few drinks that I decided to sign up for it. The biggest issue with the site is the lack of many users, infact its so bad some evenings when you search for online users only a handful come up. In my local area (less than 10 miles) there are around 30 or so active users. Searching slightly further afield has been my best bet. I have had quite a few nice conversations with 5 or so people, most of ended due to one reason or another, but never because they just stopped replying. I have been chatting to one girl recently who seems really really nice, first sent her a message around 4 weeks ago. Only issue is she hasn't replied now for over a week so I am unsure whether she has just dissapeared or not. Still, I live in hope. Another issue with the site is I constantly get winks/emails from dodgy accounts, as soon as I go on to see whos trying to contact me their account has been deleted. I guess they are spammers/hackers.

Anyway, this has been the most successful so far, and at around £4.50 ish per month its not bad. I must say by this time I had expected maybe to get the one date or so out of them but nothing so far!

56 messages sent, 21 replies.

I give up, POFing a nice girl. Pictures seemed good, really chatty and just seemed a very nice girl. Bit worried of no full body pics, so she added me to FB. And yes she is massive!

Why do they need to lie on POF, just lead themselves to disappointment. Arghhhhhh
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