Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Something occurred to me at my regular charity dinner last night on speaking to the founder who's a Christian...
She's "not aloud to take anything inside" any more due to her beliefs.. If you catch my drift..

On hearing this I have put two and two together, possibly coming up with five but I may well have dropped a ******* with this one I'm seeing who's ALSO a Christian.. Goes to communion, Church etc etc so what I'd call a "proper one" if you know what I mean.
If she also follows the same ideals..... I don't think this is going to last!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :eek:
Something occurred to me at my regular charity dinner last night on speaking to the founder who's a Christian...
She's "not aloud to take anything inside" any more due to her beliefs.. If you catch my drift..

On hearing this I have put two and two together, possibly coming up with five but I may well have dropped a ******* with this one I'm seeing who's ALSO a Christian.. Goes to communion, Church etc etc so what I'd call a "proper one" if you know what I mean.
If she also follows the same ideals..... I don't think this is going to last!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :eek:

Looks like you are not getting any anytime soon :P
After my abrupt cancellation of my 4 dating web site profiles, I'm going to get some fresh new photos loaded that put me in the best possible light and keep my profile on the two free web sites - POF and OkCupid, but won't be staying on the paid sites (as the free trials have finished anyway).

I think the fact I got no messages back after sending many hundreds of messages does mean I'm probably not the best looker and may have been aiming too high, despite me not really thinking so at the time.

My ex girlfriend was 'okay' but perhaps she fell in love with my personality and was able to look past my looks? Of course, personality isn't a luxury I have when I'm dating online...but not even what I would call 'munters' messaged me on the dating web sites! haha.

I think I need a more positive outlook, give it more than the 3-4 months. I don't seem too bothered about finding someone at the moment though, in some ways, I think this is the best mindset to have.

Kind regards,

Ok... my experience over the last day...

Joined POF last night just to see what it was like.... not been a relationship for a while but don't really have a problem 'pulling' just finding a relationship type of girl / i'm quite picky as below.

Joining POF has made me feel really bad, i've received messages from 9 girls since last night, i wont insult them but they were all not my type. But some of the messages they sent me are really well thought out and long...

Should I feel bad for not replying to any of them ?
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Ok... my experience over the last day...

Joined POF last night just to see what it was like.... not been a relationship for a while but don't really have a problem 'pulling' just finding a relationship type of girl / i'm quite picky as below.

Joining POF has made me feel really bad, i've received messages from 9 girls since last night, i wont insult them but they were all not my type. But some of the messages they sent me are really well thought out and long...

Should I feel bad for not replying to any of them ?

No you shouldn't. When joining these sites people should be prepared for getting turned down or not getting replies.
Ok... my experience over the last day...

Joined POF last night just to see what it was like.... not been a relationship for a while but don't really have a problem 'pulling' just finding a relationship type of girl / i'm quite picky as below.

Joining POF has made me feel really bad, i've received messages from 9 girls since last night, i wont insult them but they were all not my type. But some of the messages they sent me are really well thought out and long...

Should I feel bad for not replying to any of them ?

Tag and bag, then move on to the next.
Something occurred to me at my regular charity dinner last night on speaking to the founder who's a Christian...
She's "not aloud to take anything inside" any more due to her beliefs.. If you catch my drift..

On hearing this I have put two and two together, possibly coming up with five but I may well have dropped a ******* with this one I'm seeing who's ALSO a Christian.. Goes to communion, Church etc etc so what I'd call a "proper one" if you know what I mean.
If she also follows the same ideals..... I don't think this is going to last!!!!!!!!!!!
:o :eek:

Pffft in my experience non of them stick to it.
Well my first date from someone online followed most peoples perceptions of online dating lol... crazy as a sack full of cats she was, she was ok till she had her third glass of wine, then it all started coming out! ended up sat with her mum and boyfriend at the end with her just swearing and been generally rowdy! mental!
Wtf, I've been talking to a girl now for over a month, constantly messaging every day, all good general chit chat, last Wednesday asked her out for a drink and havnt heard anything since, no reply response or anything.....dunno if I can be arsed now :s

Bleh, what gets me is we were actually really getting to know each other pretty well! And then nothing :rolleyes:
Meeting for a drink :)

I reckon she was making me sweat or doing that woman thing!

Next time ask on the phone. :p

Had a date through the week but wasn't really feeling it. I hate the awkwardness in that case so I'm sacking it. That's three dates where I've not really fancied the girl and one who I really liked but it was a difficult situation where it became a friendly meeting instead of a date and she then had a boyfriend shortly after. Still keep in touch as friends though. With all of them actually.
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