Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Do you mean the people who run the website or the users will get suspicious? If the latter then I'm sure you can hide your location so they wouldn't be able to see your location change. The people who run the website shouldn't give a flying one I wouldn't have thought.
Do you mean the people who run the website or the users will get suspicious? If the latter then I'm sure you can hide your location so they wouldn't be able to see your location change. The people who run the website shouldn't give a flying one I wouldn't have thought.

i meant the people running it, but yeh they probs wouldnt care. seems like a lot of effort to go through though. especially for someone that appears to not want to meet up.
2 minutes later.

haha yeh, i wasnt interested in doing it, i was just doubting the option being there as i never remembered seeing it before.

i dunno, i assumed there was a quicker/easier way of doing it as that way seems like a lot of effort to go to. if like i assumed from the message the search option gave you a field to fill in a town/postcode then yeh, but it doesn (which was all i was checking) :p but yeh, now i think of it, it does seem kinda stalker like.
my theory is she might of fallen asleep so will see if she replies this evening. dont hold much hope though. she does seem to of made quite a lot of effort to find out stuff about me, and we were getting on really well. and i swear it seemed as though she was hinting that she liked me and wanted to meet up, but then could have been imagining it.

Yeah, women are like that. You only know when you seize the moment.
Women are strange, impulsive beasts. If she was hinting at meeting up, just ask if she fancies meeting up. Nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking.
Not accusing you of stalking, just thought it was a bit lolly. :p

i meant stalkerish on her part for going through all that effort :p

but yes, my comments could have been worded better 'i dont want to do it...hang on, how did you do that again?!?' :p

see what happens this evening. do you guys find its better to have a few on the go at one time, or concentrate on one and then move on if that fails (i mean once you start getting someone that wants a conversation)
Bonus edition.

Internet dates of old are still on MSN & whenever they get single they say Hi. :p
Of course I still have the pics of you love.
Aaawwwww - What you been up to ?
Bike talk more bike talk bike lessons talk & more bike talk. :D
So you going to come over to see me when you pass then ?
Lol Eggface. :D
I'm bored of it now, the whole getting to know someone before you meet up. Bleh, same questions, same BS. Gonna give it a rest for a bit I think.
I'm bored and I did a free search on POF tonight... I discovered that selecting "Wants children = NO" narrows your results down to zero (or if not, to nutters!).
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