Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I chose the whole of london, so only 10 miles maybe. Can still take the best part of an hour to get to some places though. :(
Just been doing some 'POF Testing' and messaged 10 large/fat girls and 10 good looking girls (from the pics anyway)

8/10 fat girls reply

0/10 hot girls reply

Says it all really!!

Well considering only the fat ones reply to you, it says quite a bit you as well really ;)
You guys seem to be doing much better than me. Mind you, my profile does contain a lot of negs. Thought it would be a good idea but seems to be having the opposite affect.

Do you mean you are putting negative stuff in your profile? If so, don't. By not including negative things you aren't deceiving anyone.

If you see a girls profile with "Looking for a nice guy, been hurt too many times!!!" type header what does it make you think? Keep everything light and upbeat, nothing too self reflective IMO and you will be more successful.
Me and my partner (Shashman who's posted on this thread) met on PoF. These sites do work but as a girl speaking from experiance on the matter, the main put off was really negative profiles, bad photo's and the constant messages of 'Hi how are you?'

Upload good photo's (not sat behind your computer or wearing some stupid fancy dress outfit), be positive in your text and when you message a girl, actually show that you've bothered to read her profile instead of just asking how her weekend was or whatever.

I've met some cool people on that site, most turned out to be good friends but I met my Mr Right too, just gotta be patient :)
It's a combination of common sense, manners, charm, banter and honesty really you just have to strike the right balance.

Read a girl's profile properly, if what she has to say about herself on her profile doesn't engage you in any way, just don't bother.

The way Tegan and I started messaging was because I saw we were both chefs (she's just a bit of a looker too :p ) so we started off by talking about that, then the conversation just flowed and it was all good.

Don't copy/paste message. You have to prove that you're interested, basically.

If you don't get a response, don't push it, move on. "Hey I msgd u ova day n u dint ansa y not?/" messages isn't a good look. You have to remember that on PoF, you're selling yourself, not vice versa. Girls get bombarded with messages so they really do have the pick of the crop, so make sure yours is prime.
Milgo. When I say that my POF profile has a lot of negs what I mean is that it contains banter that is aimed towards women.

They are jokes etc. Nothing too serious or repulsive but may be borderline offesnive. Apologies for the confusion.

At the end of my profile I even state that if you take my profile too seriously or are offended by it then I'm not interested. Bit harsh but my opinion.

I like a laugh and I experimented by doing a profile that in my mind (or at least I thought so) was unique.

Looking at it from a Females perspective though, it may come across as slightly arrogant and showy.

Perhaps a rehash is in order.
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