Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Strangely enough, there is still some sort of social stygma attached to online dating.

Some of my friends sometimes try and use the fact I met my girlfriend online as an 'insult', which is really ignorant and backwards.

Joke's on them at the end of the day though: they're single :)
cant see why online dating is still seen socially wrong. its no worse than meeting people in a club or something. someone you bump into is just as likley to 'embelish' stuff about themselves as they are online.
on a slightly odd note, has anyone ever messaged someone that hasnt replied to you to ask why? i think this is weird myself, but one of my female friends said this would be a good way to find out if it was my profile, pic or the way i message people thats putting them off.
I would find that slightly cringeworthy, desperate and clingy tbh.

It's not like there's a lack of members on PoF so just move on.

If the person you message doesn't have the decency to answer, even with a 'no', then that's surely an indicator of the sort of person they are, and you're better off not getting involved at all.

I think meeting people online is actually better than meeting people on a night out or what have you. At least that way you know a bit about that person already, before making any sort of move. Meeting people out, all you have to go on are looks, whereas online, you get a glimpse of their personality too.
Ugh clingyness on dating sites. Could it get any worse??! Yeah, just take the silence as no and move on....

But yeah, meeting people online has proven pretty damn good. Going into clubs and bars, meeting people, the general experiance has proven to be having my **** grabbed with the slur of drunken words "Your well fit luv".

And people have the nerve to say online dating is pathetic and sad....?
Ugh clingyness on dating sites. Could it get any worse??! Yeah, just take the silence as no and move on....

But yeah, meeting people online has proven pretty damn good. Going into clubs and bars, meeting people, the general experiance has proven to be having my **** grabbed with the slur of drunken words "Your well fit luv".

And people have the nerve to say online dating is pathetic and sad....?

Guy was pulling out all the stops then :D
Well I guess some people find that a great way of being come on to. At least you know what your getting. Just don't expect them to be there when you wake up!
Milgo. When I say that my POF profile has a lot of negs what I mean is that it contains banter that is aimed towards women.

They are jokes etc. Nothing too serious or repulsive but may be borderline offesnive. Apologies for the confusion.

At the end of my profile I even state that if you take my profile too seriously or are offended by it then I'm not interested. Bit harsh but my opinion.

I like a laugh and I experimented by doing a profile that in my mind (or at least I thought so) was unique.

Looking at it from a Females perspective though, it may come across as slightly arrogant and showy.

Perhaps a rehash is in order.

Ah right OK. Personally I think that might be a bad move though. Anyone who has a like it or lump it attitude on there turns me off straight away. It comes across a little confrontational and arrogant as you say IMO.
I could do with some friendly words from other POF'ers. I've been doing it on an off for a while, i.e 6months on 6months off.

I am going on a third date tomorrow with a very well brought up, intelligent pretty girl. This is not my forte. I am possibly overly confident and apologise for sounding arrogant, have been in the past able to speed things along quickly and instead of getting a quality relationship, I end up with a FB or a few nights, before they realise and freak out about what they did. (possibly my so far choice of girls)

In this case I have done some pretty cool interesting dates, so things are going well.
However as I would prefer to stay charming, I'm not sure whether I should be more reserved, or maybe buy flowers and be ultra romantic. (I have so far stayed away from going in for the kiss, something I did almost every time on the first date)
Romance is not my thing, (this is why I think I'm not a keeper)

Girls advice would be ideal, I wanner know how to seem cute and confident without seeming arrogant, as from my perspective there's is only a fine line, which I'm very used to pushing. I wanner be romantic, without being overbearing. I want to be in her head when I'm not there.
Imo taking it slow is the way, but I'm now kinda at loss and to when to take it a little bit faster ( I think im afraid of nice girls, lol) Maybe time will tell, and when it's right, it's right.

So please. What's everyone elses game plan....
I could do with some friendly words from other POF'ers. I've been doing it on an off for a while, i.e 6months on 6months off.

I am going on a third date tomorrow with a very well brought up, intelligent pretty girl. This is not my forte. I am possibly overly confident and apologise for sounding arrogant, have been in the past able to speed things along quickly and instead of getting a quality relationship, I end up with a FB or a few nights, before they realise and freak out about what they did. (possibly my so far choice of girls)

In this case I have done some pretty cool interesting dates, so things are going well.
However as I would prefer to stay charming, I'm not sure whether I should be more reserved, or maybe buy flowers and be ultra romantic. (I have so far stayed away from going in for the kiss, something I did almost every time on the first date)
Romance is not my thing, (this is why I think I'm not a keeper)

Girls advice would be ideal, I wanner know how to seem cute and confident without seeming arrogant, as from my perspective there's is only a fine line, which I'm very used to pushing. I wanner be romantic, without being overbearing. I want to be in her head when I'm not there.
Imo taking it slow is the way, but I'm now kinda at loss and to when to take it a little bit faster ( I think im afraid of nice girls, lol) Maybe time will tell, and when it's right, it's right.

So please. What's everyone elses game plan....

0 game plan, just go as myself every time and if it doesn't work out its not right. Had some good times as well :O
I have had game plans for such a long time, I cannot remember how to act naturally without feeling unconfident. Its kinda like I know how to manipulate situations, but in this case I don't want too, as I like her. However I do also want too, as I want her to like me.
It's catch 22.

Like for instance, the first date I took her to someone where I knew there would be lots of accidental contact, fun none the less. The second date I took her somewhere there would be excitement and laughing, this time I'm taking her to a romantic dinner. I was just curious as to whether other people use the situation to help the date, or just hope perfect personality matches are there only way of meeting someone.
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I am possibly overly confident and apologise for sounding arrogant, have been in the past able to speed things along quickly and instead of getting a quality relationship, I end up with a FB or a few nights, before they realise and freak out about what they did.

Teach me your secrets!
If you are a good manipulator without lying then in the girl scenario normally wins every time.

This also goes for jobs, education, money, life e.t.c. A lot of managers have this skill.

Oh I don't lie, never, lies unravel far to quickly. I am very good at it, I was probably a sales man in a previous life.
I didn't really want to focus on that. I just wanted to know everyone else take on how they approach the situation.

Do you guys, just literally take a girl to a bar and just talk, cause to me that sounds rather boring. I don't agree with you Zefan as such I can't believe that most of the guys on here don't do it in some way, either it being how to make a girl laugh, a trick they have, a thing they have found successful and use on every date.
I just wanted to hear theirs.
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Well, my first foray into internet dating has so far proven to be quite successful.

I Joined up to POF, really just to see what it was all about, i made what i thought was a decent profile and uploaded one image and put it out there for all to see.

So far i have received 14 messages, some from good looking girls, some from absolute swamp donkeys, 1 from what i would describe as a ginger sea monster and a couple of blatant psycho's in that lot too.

I am talking regularly to a nice girl and we seem to have a fair bit in common and a similar outlook, but im starting to get a bit nervous.

She asked if we could swap mobile numbers so we did that and weve been texting a fair bit, but in all honesty i think im a bit out of my depth now.

I was with my ex for 16 years, so obviously in this time ive never had to have witty banter etc, never been nervous talking to women because i wasnt interested in them etc.

what do i do?, do i ask her if she would like to meet up or wait for her to make that move?

How do i keep the conversation flowing whilst texting, im starting to run out of interesting subjects to talk about.

Tips required please.
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