How old you by the way? Just wandering cos im 24 and never had a thing for milf's, but that's started to change a bit!
Argh, you're not getting it are you.
Forget No2, not go on a bloody date with her Sunday. How do you think No1 will feel about this?
Can't help it mate, the heart wants what it wants. Had the Swede round my place since Friday night. She only left early this morning. It's nice and comfortable and she'll be a stellar girlfriend, but I can't help but feel that's she's missing that 'thing', edge, xFactor, whatever you want to call it.
Can't help it mate, the heart wants what it wants. Had the Swede round my place since Friday night. She only left early this morning. It's nice and comfortable and she'll be a stellar girlfriend, but I can't help but feel that's she's missing that 'thing', edge, xFactor, whatever you want to call it.
I'm going to see the Finn this afternoon ... and come back tomorrow to reavaluate what I really want. If someone near perfect is taking second place to someone like the Finn, then the problem clearly lies with me.![]()
GLast girl I met was right up my street so fingers crossed. Seeing her for the 3rd time on Wed.
You sure it's a good idea to be dating someone that lives so close? Could be awkward if it goes wrong.
Met a lass on match recently who I had been on two dates and although it was early days we seemed to get on well and enjoy each other's company. Anyway txting back and forth like normal last night and she suggests going out tonight so we agree on a time and a place. Hour later, get a txt from her saying that I was a nice guy but her ex had been in touch over the weekend and she was giving it another go with him and sorry for messing me about.
So back to match and okcupid for me.
Dude, where are you finding all the Nordic women??
Just texted the girl above about hanging out this weekend to a response of 'depends if it involves biting'