Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Argh, you're not getting it are you.

Forget No2, not go on a bloody date with her Sunday. How do you think No1 will feel about this?

Can't help it mate, the heart wants what it wants. Had the Swede round my place since Friday night. She only left early this morning. It's nice and comfortable and she'll be a stellar girlfriend, but I can't help but feel that's she's missing that 'thing', edge, xFactor, whatever you want to call it.

I'm going to see the Finn this afternoon ... and come back tomorrow to reavaluate what I really want. If someone near perfect is taking second place to someone like the Finn, then the problem clearly lies with me. :(
you'll regret it :) i would be honest with the no1 and try not to hurt her as she sounds like lovely girl and obviously expects too much from you.
Can't help it mate, the heart wants what it wants. Had the Swede round my place since Friday night. She only left early this morning. It's nice and comfortable and she'll be a stellar girlfriend, but I can't help but feel that's she's missing that 'thing', edge, xFactor, whatever you want to call it.

I know exactly what you mean. Don't just settle for someone because they're "Right".

If you're not passionate about it - which it's sort of obvious you're not - then **** what other people say. You might be screwing yourself over in a way but who wants that "safe" life anyway?
Good to see folk are making progress with the internet dating. I've really enjoyed it so far. Don't know why but it seems to be a bit different in Scotland, maybe it's my age group, but there is no shortage of messages or offers for dates.

For what it's worth here's my take on it:

* Match has definitely proved the best for me. People actually look like they do in their pictures and haven't pushed the boundaries of truth too far in their profile.

* If you want casual/chance of a quick lay - go down the single mum route on POF, banker. Or, larger ladies, take your pick.

* As Ahleckz says, no messing about, meet or move on. So easy to get stuck into a message/text thing that goes on for weeks.

* Keep messaging loads of folk until you get something going. What seems to work well, for me anyway, is combining a joke of some sort with a comment about something that stands out in their profile.

In three months I've been on 18 dates, spent a lot of money, got very pi55ed, met some really interesting people, met some really uninteresting people and been to places I'd never had gone to otherwise.

Last girl I met was right up my street so fingers crossed. Seeing her for the 3rd time on Wed.
Can't help it mate, the heart wants what it wants. Had the Swede round my place since Friday night. She only left early this morning. It's nice and comfortable and she'll be a stellar girlfriend, but I can't help but feel that's she's missing that 'thing', edge, xFactor, whatever you want to call it.

I'm going to see the Finn this afternoon ... and come back tomorrow to reavaluate what I really want. If someone near perfect is taking second place to someone like the Finn, then the problem clearly lies with me. :(

Not sure what age you are, but if I could go back and do it again I'd always go with my heart, not my head. Just my 2p's worth but that's where I think the best memories and least regrets comes from.
Been on the OkCupid route...

Been on two dates with this one girl over the last two weekends, shared a smoochy last Saturday, we seem to be into each other and I'll see her this weekend hopefully.

Any tips? Considering I haven't dated for nigh on 4 years its a tad nervous, but she seems funny and genuine enough to be worth my time. Patience et al?

Met a lass on match recently who I had been on two dates and although it was early days we seemed to get on well and enjoy each other's company. Anyway txting back and forth like normal last night and she suggests going out tonight so we agree on a time and a place. Hour later, get a txt from her saying that I was a nice guy but her ex had been in touch over the weekend and she was giving it another go with him and sorry for messing me about.

So back to match and okcupid for me.
Met a lass on match recently who I had been on two dates and although it was early days we seemed to get on well and enjoy each other's company. Anyway txting back and forth like normal last night and she suggests going out tonight so we agree on a time and a place. Hour later, get a txt from her saying that I was a nice guy but her ex had been in touch over the weekend and she was giving it another go with him and sorry for messing me about.

So back to match and okcupid for me.

Chin up man, whether true or bull don't let it get you down and better it happened now than further down the line. Get out there and arrange to meet more people. The more you meet the better the chances of finding someone that's right.
Dude, where are you finding all the Nordic women??

On Match my man. Do a little search for the Nordic mob and see what comes up. Helps if you're in London though.

Must say, I don't exactly check what nationality a girl is when I email her. As long as the pics and profile works.
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