Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I joined POF last night. Just having a nose around right now. Seeing the ex has a new bloke after just 10 weeks apart has put my rear end in gear.

A couple of people have looked at me but I suppose that is because I had a peak at them first. It has however decided I am best suited to fairly attractive women based on my answers (apparently). I'm not one to argue.
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I joined POF last night. Just having a nose around right now. Seeing the ex has a new bloke after just 10 weeks apart has put my rear end in gear.

A couple of people have looked at me but I suppose that is because I had a peak at them first. It has however decided I am best suited to fairly attractive women based on my answers (apparently). I'm not one to argue.

Just don't be too disappointed if the attractive women don't turn out to be attractive at all. On dating sites delusions run strong when it comes to people estimating their looks. I know this is true on Match at least.
Chaps (and chappettes) I guess. Since joining POF I've been doing a bit of tinkering with my profile, hoping to get across what I want to get across without banging on too much. Thus, I was just wondering whether anyone would mind kindly taking a gander at my profile and telling me what they think. A bit bland, or still too long winded perhaps?

I'm getting a few views daily, but no messages so far, although 2 ladies have clicked this "Meet Me" button. I understand that as a bloke however, that the onus is probably on me to send messages out, I just want my profile to be spot on before I start pushing myself out there.

Chaps (and chappettes) I guess. Since joining POF I've been doing a bit of tinkering with my profile, hoping to get across what I want to get across without banging on too much. Thus, I was just wondering whether anyone would mind kindly taking a gander at my profile and telling me what they think. A bit bland, or still too long winded perhaps?

I'm getting a few views daily, but no messages so far, although 2 ladies have clicked this "Meet Me" button. I understand that as a bloke however, that the onus is probably on me to send messages out, I just want my profile to be spot on before I start pushing myself out there.


Looks good to me mate. Can't really see what else I'd change if it was my profile. Perhaps one of the ladies here would better advise.
Is it possible to link my okcupid account? Would appreciate some advice on any ways to improve it. Can't see where I can copy the url of it though.

Not finding match or okcupid to be any better than POF in my time on them so far.
Hrm... Well I signed up for OKCupid a few days back as an experiment, got chatting to a bunch of really nice people. Got persuaded to upload some photos by a few of them, and now there is a mysterious silence!


\o/ LOL, have to laugh at the amount that answered questions on looks and said it didn't matter. 'Tis OK, I'm like the Murphy's! :)

Conclusion: If you are good looking, you will have a great time with internet dating. If not, stick to buying the local munters sambuccas on a Saturday night and you're sorted! :D
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Looks matter my man, to women as much as it does to us.

Actually argued this with some random I dated as she said that men only go for the pretty girls with the beeg bewbs whilst girls are willing to look past all that. Haha. Sure, and if I was 5'5 with a bald head and bad skin condition she'd be all over me heh :rolleyes:

I take horrendous pictures while I'm not too ugly in real life. Find good pics first before even attempting a profile. It's where it's at.

On a different note. Had an email from a girl asking if I had issues dating someone with Herpes. :eek:
I take horrendous pictures while I'm not too ugly in real life. Find good pics first before even attempting a profile. It's where it's at.

On a different note. Had an email from a girl asking if I had issues dating someone with Herpes. :eek:

Aye I am absolutely terrible in photos but have not been completely devoid of offers IRL. It's just been terrible timing over the past year so I've been keen to stay uninvolved. :) Thing is, the girls I'd been messaging were self-confessed geeky types who, although lovely people, really shouldn't be *too* discriminating.

At least when you chat someone up whilst reasonably drunk in a pub, you still sometimes manage get your foot in the door, so to speak.
I did some tests regarding photos. I uploaded some photos to the account that were the best males on the market and got a lot of messages.

I then put ugly ones on never got any messages. It shows you people want nice looking people not ugly people.
I then put ugly ones on never got any messages. It shows you people want nice looking people not ugly people.

The thing I've learned as I've got older, is that girls who I'd never had taken a second look at initially, have become much more attractive over time as I've got to know them. So it *is* possible to override the initial "physical attraction" phase, it just takes time and getting to know each other.

But anyways, after the brief experiment, I'm happy to take someone home as long as I can touch both middle fingers together around their waist. :p
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