Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I need someone to write a profile for me, I think. I'm never going to get it right.

Also it took a zillion attempts to take a picture where I didn't look like I was retarded. This is actually the best I could do!

Also, I am negative. You try being me. You'd be negative too :p

But thanks for the critque. You've told me what I already suspected: I'm undatable :p

I dont do POF anymore as i prefer socializing and going to parties as im hopeless at generating a connection over email/IM.

I would advise put 4 or 5 photos up 1 a portrait type and the rest you doing something else e.g. a sport or something.

In the blurb keep it minimal. And nothing negative at all. In fact exagerrate something you did, not an outright lie just exagerate.

Dont tell them the lifestory or there will be nothing to talk about during an actual date in person. Dont spend an age emailing and txting etc meet up asap (well i would anyway)

When you get to know someone in person its not the information you tell them thats so important its how it acts as a GEL to connect you both.

Like a fun discovery of someone.

But if you have already told loads about each other then that ruins that fun!

But i didnt have that much success with online so what do i know :D

But i did manage to score a hot chick doing nothing but lazying about the house pity she was totally nuts but thats another story..... ;)
people always suggest the gym, but do you actually really meet people at gyms?

I don't think its so much about meeting people, rather than making some positive changes physically which often lead to an increase in confidence etc thus helping out when you do actually meet somebody somewhere else.

dating site i used to be on.. anyone remembers it? ! :D loaaads of sexy girls.. sadly you couldn't even send a message without paying and you had to be VOTED in!
Why do you need to manage other peoples expectations of you? If the girls you meet don't find you funny/witty/good at talking then they will quite simply say goodbye and never see you again. It's online dating, there's always going to be a chance that you will meet someone you don't get like or get along with.

You need to sell yourself in your profile. Talk positive things, what you're good at, what you enjoy doing, your ambitions etc. Re-read your own profile - if you were a girl, would you want to date a man with all that negativity?

le sigh. i'll have another go tomorrow.

here's a quick question tho... the pics of me (i can link my FB profile as proof) will show you I'm a bit of a minger. :p In my mind thats going to put off 90% of girls anyhow...

so how exactly do I compensate for bad genetics?
Why do you need to manage other peoples expectations of you? If the girls you meet don't find you funny/witty/good at talking then they will quite simply say goodbye and never see you again. It's online dating, there's always going to be a chance that you will meet someone you don't get like or get along with.

You need to sell yourself in your profile. Talk positive things, what you're good at, what you enjoy doing, your ambitions etc. Re-read your own profile - if you were a girl, would you want to date a man with all that negativity?

MisChief as usual talking sense..

:eek: A woman talking sense :eek:

You think I would have got a single date if I said I still lived at home with my mother at my age, spent most of my spare time text talking on the internet and couldn't really hold a conversation for long.. err no.
Stay WELL AWAY from those topics of conversation in your profile, however I suggest not fluffing it out with bull**** either, you'll only get found out in the long run.
le sigh. i'll have another go tomorrow.

here's a quick question tho... the pics of me (i can link my FB profile as proof) will show you I'm a bit of a minger. :p In my mind thats going to put off 90% of girls anyhow...

so how exactly do I compensate for bad genetics?

photoshop :p

seriously, most of us feel like that's an issue, and 99% of the time it is. but i have seen some hotties with some old bald men, so there is some hope.
so how exactly do I compensate for bad genetics?

Scrub up. Personally in the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

(sorry had to be done)

In all seriousness though and no homo but you aren't exactly an unattractive guy. Go look around town i bet you see plenty of hotties with far more ugly guys, i certainly do round here.
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FoxEye said:
so how exactly do i compensate for bad genetics

Well newsflash different people find different things attractive. Everyone is a certain type which someone will find attractive.

Also FoxEye

you need to play this music 24/7 until you BELIEVE and balls to anyone else.

Don't worry you are not the only one in the world having some problems. :)

god i wish i was 18-21 again, things were so much easier.

or failing that, i wish i knew someone, anyone, locally. 99% sure if i went out places a few times and actually spoke to people face to face i would be on a winner. this online lark seems a lot harder.
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