Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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I've been with someone who was 5'7, that was annoying as I couldn't wear any heels. Dated a few guys who were 5'8/5'9, but as soon as I put my heels on I'm like 6ft and tower over them :D

So how tall are you? I couldnt date a girl taller than me! Same height or shorter! :-D all girls ive dated were like 5'4 except my ex who was 5'7 :o
Revision two. With 100% less negativity. Same creepy photo tho. I'll fix that!

see i think that looks ok, but then im a guy that isn't having much luck on online.

the last bit is a bit awkward though. i mean, who wants to date someone that might **** off abroad to work in a few months.

i propose all us single Cornish guys meet up and go on the pull :p safety in numbers lol. screw this online stuff, meet real people that cant just ignore us.
Well that was amazing, managed to go from planning the third date to being blocked on facebook:confused:, think she realized she could do so much better than me. :(
Back to square 1 again, better fetch the bino's and waterproof anorak...:cool:
I've amended that bit, just for you :p

better :p

now, i know a lot of people will still say its a negative profile, but its you, and, well, there isn't anything major wrong with it.

unfortunately i fear you will suffer the same fate as most of us Cornish men, Cornish women are a bit, well, fussy alcoholics.
Well that was amazing, managed to go from planning the third date to being blocked on facebook:confused:, think she realized she could do so much better than me. :(
Back to square 1 again, better fetch the bino's and waterproof anorak...:cool:

dodged a bullet there then mate. she sounds very fickle.
better :p

now, i know a lot of people will still say its a negative profile, but its you, and, well, there isn't anything major wrong with it.

unfortunately i fear you will suffer the same fate as most of us Cornish men, Cornish women are a bit, well, fussy alcoholics.

For me, that profile is now brimming with positivity! I don't think it looks negative, but then people do call me Captain Negative, so who am I to judge? :p
For me, that profile is now brimming with positivity! I don't think it looks negative, but then people do call me Captain Negative, so who am I to judge? :p

From this point on I'm looking to reinvent myself. To change from a socially awkward person to someone more easy going and relaxed around others. I really need to take myself less seriously and lighten up. And to make lots of awesome new friends.

although this sounds positive, its really not :p i don't mean that in a bad way, but if you don't know who you are, then how are they going to know they will like you?

I'm 32 now and finally realising that being around other people and being part of their lives is more important than anything I could do on my own.

that makes it sound like you have been in a mental instate or hoarded up in a room all on your own.

Today, my hobbies are mainly fitness related. I'm trying to get back in peak shape. A little lighter, healthier, faster, fitter. So I go coast path walking, running, and play a lot of football. I like most forms of sport, but won't claim to be good at any of them!

Today?? so tomorrow you might of ditched these hobbies for something else :p

Due to a largely misspent youth, I know a thing or two about computers. So I do IT support for a job.

you were a child hacker?

I love cats and dogs, and most animals. I can take this to extremes - I don't swat flies or tread on snails, I just love all living things :)

you don't social with people, but you 'love' animals ;)

now, that was just in jest, as like i have said, it shows your personality which is all you can do. but it could be interpreted in sooo many ways.
I don't mind :p
Sorry, but I mind :p

So how tall are you? I couldnt date a girl taller than me! Same height or shorter! :-D all girls ive dated were like 5'4 except my ex who was 5'7 :o
I'm 5'8. Not exactly tall but taller than the average I guess!

Revision two. With 100% less negativity. Same creepy photo tho. I'll fix that!
100% less negativity?! More like 70%, but you're almost there :p See below:

About me? I'm not a typical guy. I'm quiet and sensitive. For years I've watched people get together and thought, "That looks nice!" but never tried dating for myself. And that's why I'm here!

From this point on I'm looking to reinvent myself. To change from a socially awkward person to someone more easy going and relaxed around others. I really need to take myself less seriously and lighten up. And to make lots of awesome new friends.

I'm 32 now and finally realising that being around other people and being part of their lives is more important than anything I could do on my own.

Today, my hobbies are mainly fitness related. I'm trying to get back in peak shape. A little lighter, healthier, faster, fitter. So I go coast path walking, running, and play a lot of football. I like most forms of sport, but won't claim to be good at any of them!

One of the best holidays I ever had was going hiking in the Austrian Alps, and I'd love to try something equally adventurous in the future.

Due to a largely misspent youth, I know a thing or two about computers. So I do IT support for a job.

Right now I think my life could take my anywhere. I could potentially change careers, and I have literally no idea what I'll be doing next. I might even try finding work abroad, or just travelling, who knows. All depends on whether I meet someone or not. I'd follow the right person to the ends of the Earth, or stay right here, if they wanted.

I love cats and dogs, and most animals. I can take this to extremes - I don't swat flies or tread on snails, I just love all living things :)
I'm not liking the text highlighted in red... I think you should either remove or rewrite these as they're still a bit negative and unnecessary.

Damn it was not easy posting this on a phone!! :o

Edit: Oh and I agree with what paradisiac said as well!
Thanks MisChief, will look at that again in the morning. Off to bed for now.

also, as part of the reinvention of you, find a way of social interaction with women in the real world. this is my next step, and like i said, if people are happy, we could do a single Cornish guys/gals meet and go out for a few laughs, at worst could make some new friends, at best one of us could pull :p
also, as part of the reinvention of you, find a way of social interaction with women in the real world. this is my next step, and like i said, if people are happy, we could do a single Cornish guys/gals meet and go out for a few laughs, at worst could make some new friends, at best one of us could pull :p

does grunting and/or foot shuffling count as interaction? do i actually have to make eye contact and talk? that could be a problem!

gah, it's stupid, i know. i can have a laugh and joke with guys, but just saying "hi" to a girl is a massive effort. why oh why oh why oh why oh why
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