Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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why else would you not let people know what you body type is? unless you think its something unattractive there's no reason to hide it
le sigh. i'll have another go tomorrow.

here's a quick question tho... the pics of me (i can link my FB profile as proof) will show you I'm a bit of a minger. :p In my mind thats going to put off 90% of girls anyhow...

so how exactly do I compensate for bad genetics?
The girls on POF will decide whether you're a minger or not. There's always someone for everyone, just because one girl finds you minging doesn't mean the others will.

MisChief as usual talking sense..

:eek: A woman talking sense :eek:
Oi! I'm not just any ordinary woman I tell ya, I'm one of a kind and like totally awesome. :D
Online dating is a lot harder because you are not really viewing the real person as they would be face to face.

I never liked this online dating it was always better in real life.

also, with face to face they cant blank you so easily. but online, they just don't reply to a message and that's that. i mean, looking at some of them, they cant exactly be too fussy, their options aint gunna be great :p

posted loads in pic of your self thread.. :o she's tall! btw i hate being 5.9! i find some nice girls.. i get on with them.. and they are like 5.9-5.10 and you know girls "omg the guy hazz to be taller than me by 5ft" :o
I've been with someone who was 5'7, that was annoying as I couldn't wear any heels. Dated a few guys who were 5'8/5'9, but as soon as I put my heels on I'm like 6ft and tower over them :D
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