Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Please remember, it's a work in progress. Only spent about 20min on this. Decided to throw it out there anyway in case a stray lady wants to come and nibble. Not liking the pics but hey.

Advice welcome :)

As I said, still need a lot of work but that's all I got for tonight!

You don't seem to know what you're fishing for. And as such there are too many random facts which won't appeal collectively to many women. You need to decide exactly what it is you're baiting and deliver facts designed specifically to appeal to that kind of partner.

How many women will be looking for a man who has a specific interest in ancient Greece and also a desire to *** off to Russia? (for example)

Traget one or the other. Not both.

Also, first word in the profile = "Marry". :eek:

Edit : For the record, I know nothing about internet dating btw.. Just going on my knowledge of non-internet dates.
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You don't seem to know what you're fishing for. And as such there are too many random facts which won't appeal collectively to many women. You need to decide exactly what it is you're baiting and deliver facts designed specifically to appeal to that kind of partner.

How many women will be looking for a man who has a specific interest in ancient Greece and also a desire to *** off to Russia? (for example)

Traget one or the other. Not both.

Also, first word in the profile = "Marry". :eek:

Edit : For the record, I know nothing about internet dating btw.. Just going on my knowledge of non-internet dates.

Yah, but I know how this business work. OkCupid doesn't seem to be serious. Lighthearted will work far better than whacking people with a wall of text that nobody will read.

However, I will take your opinions into consideration. Tomorrow I'll most likely change everything

Yes, 'Marry'. Like that's serious. And girls who is going to take it serious I have no interest in knowing :p
See this I don't get, from the pictures I've seen (Im not stalking honest) you are pretty, really shouldn't put yourself down.
If you weren't pretty would 5ub be stalking you?;)

I don't understand it either and I've actually met her in real life!
Actually quite hot. :o

Sorry :D
*Insert old enough to be your dad quote if you must :(

Regulus - just had a quick look. You come across as confident in your profile which is a good thing. However, there's nothing really there that's catching my attention. Well, maybe the spectacular head of grey hair part.

Also, I was starting to lose interest when I got to the books and shows section. None of it makes sense to me :o Maybe it's just because I have different interests to you :p

I don't understand it either and I've actually met her in real life!
Actually quite hot. :o

Sorry :D
*Insert old enough to be your dad quote if you must :(

You're like 38/39 aren't you? Old enough to be my dad would mean you had me when you were like 12/13?! :eek:
Yea hanging on by a thread at the moment I think.
I asked if we could forget the whole Sunday conversation ever happened and go back to "see you in the week" which is what we had planned prior to her brain fart.
She agreed..
We've text normally today, minus a few xx's on the end of the text though I've noticed lol
I did have to bite my lip later on tonight when she text me with an open ended "so you're a free man now then" as I couldn't make out if it was a reply to my "finished the decorating at last" comment or she was having another "episode" of bat ****.
I was under the impression that internet dating was a tool invented for women, to increase their self esteem.

Am I incorrect?

No. Look into the software behind it and you'll find the sheer huge number of people PAYING other people to create fake profiles.

I.E. "Create 1000 fake profiles on my dating website and get £x".

In a nutshell : It was a tool invented to generate revenue from stupid males. (and still is).
No. Look into the software behind it and you'll find the sheer huge number of people PAYING other people to create fake profiles.

I.E. "Create 1000 fake profiles on my dating website and get £x".

In a nutshell : It was a tool invented to generate revenue from stupid males. (and still is).

We agree it's a load of cobblers then.

I know a girl that's only on them for the ego boost, lol.
I ran a Dolphin(/Boonex)-based website for a while. Not a dating site, but the software is often used for that. And through doing that I found out the ugly truth behind these dating websites.

I'm all for the theory, but if you pay then you're a mug.

Even on the popular sites the ratio of males to (real) females is a joke. And the majority of females are just fake profiles (/people being paid to pretend).

May as well empty your wallet into your toilet and flush.
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Regulus - just had a quick look. You come across as confident in your profile which is a good thing. However, there's nothing really there that's catching my attention. Well, maybe the spectacular head of grey hair part.

Also, I was starting to lose interest when I got to the books and shows section. None of it makes sense to me :o Maybe it's just because I have different interests to you :p

Ah, maybe I'm just senseless then :p

Sent it to a few female friends to have a look.

Don't quite expect to be interesting to everyone but have had decent success with similar profiles, although, I'm most certainly more lighthearted in this one which is a welcome changed from the more 'serious' profiles I've used on Match.

@ Hell Seek

Hell Seek is quite correct when he mentions the fake accounts. When my Match subscription expired I had a huge influx of Views and Winks. And I mean up tenfold from the norm. Even their names sounded quite similar. Fake rubbish it was. Saying that, I still had huge success with Match.
No no nooo I didn't mean America Ferrera was ugly at all! But I mean, if Ugly Betty was like a real life person - the dress sense, the glasses and the braces. Not really sexy is it :p

I was talking about the character... I dunno, I thought the dress sense and all that was cute actually but then that's just me. I like people who aren't afraid to be themselves. :-)
well, none of the 3 I was briefly talking to yesterday lasted more than about 5 messages, and most of that was rubbish stuff. I put in some effort and just get back 1 word answers, or something that kind of ends the conversation so im the one left trying to keep it going with something new.

is my profile really that bad?

no laughing at the pics, please for the love of god no laughing
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