Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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A lot of men don't look rough enough for women when they are clean shaven & look like boys, Women want Men.
You're not the only one who's having a bit of a laugh at this :D

I am very clean cut, I'm a gentleman ;) I can't do cheeky grin, they turn out a bit sinister looking, like I’m just about to come out with that line in your sig. Think of troll face meme and you’ll have a good idea.

And I’m after girlfriend/potential wife material, not so much the “Dirty Doris”

haha yeh I don't do smiling, I look awful :p but I can do a pretty awesome moody look im told.

A lot of men don't look rough enough for women when they are clean shaven & look like boys, Women want Men.

well I have stubble and still get ID'd :mad:
whats your obsession with stubble? is this a universal woman thing, or your particular taste?

they say they like it.. till you come close and kiss them then it goes something like "wwhooooooooooooooaaargghghhhhhhhhhhhhhh shaaaveee it offf nooaww awwww" :p
Do you guys bother to add chicks you like to your favourites to see if they message first? :p It don't work for me.

hell no!! just NO!!!! profile look, if a possible candidate then a message. quick check to see if they are in my 'viewed me' page after 5 mins, if they are but no message, then wonder what I did wrong for a few seconds and on to the next one :p
And I’m after girlfriend/potential wife material, not so much the “Dirty Doris”

You just need to post lots of pics of yourself then & approach Doris in bigger numbers. Don't think about it as hunting for a girlfriend but more finding Doris that you get on with.
Always ask questions about Her & Always ask her opinion when discussing stuff.
Never say she is Sexy/Gorgeous etc be more subtle.
You just need to post lots of pics of yourself then & approach Doris in bigger numbers. Don't think about it as hunting for a girlfriend but more finding Doris that you get on with.
Always ask questions about Her & Always ask her opinion when discussing stuff.
Never say she is Sexy/Gorgeous etc be more subtle.

:eek: so no boob requests on the first message? damn :mad: :p

it is indeed all about the numbers game, get yourself known to as many people as possible. if after a month its still not working, a quick pic and profile change (nothing major just subtle changes) and message again :p they have soo many messages they wont remember your first attempt. rinse and repeat this process until you are fighting them off or meet your 'Doris' of choice.
mischief (or anyone, but I think a female would have more weight with the answer) do you save the compliments on a woman's looks for when you meet up? I mean, its less creepy saying 'you look nice' when you meet them than 'you look nice in your pics' when talking over the net, even if you have been talking for ages.
mischief (or anyone, but I think a female would have more weight with the answer) do you save the compliments on a woman's looks for when you meet up? I mean, its less creepy saying 'you look nice' when you meet them than 'you look nice in your pics' when talking over the net, even if you have been talking for ages.

Tread real careful here as to a Doris you saying you look nice in your pics is like saying You don't look nice in real life.
Personally I wait until they ask what attracted me to them & then I say I don't really know there was just something that drew me to you, They Love all that **** :p

It's a minefield though as If a Doris asks you why you like her & you say you like your Doris with Brown hair & big jugs she'll ditch you as she'll think she is competing with your X/X's.

Never say you have a type no matter what !!!

You lot owe me you do know that don't you ? :p
women like humour, it will do no harm at all :)

plus, if it backfires I think you should ask for mischief to take you for a meal :p

Ah yes, but my last attempt at a little light hearted quip about online gaming, didn't quite go as planned.....

Well its now on my profile with some accompanying text.....
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