Total player, 25 and slept with a number of people I can count on one hand.
I just enjoy reading into this sort of thing and my opinion on women has changed over the years.
This whole good guy never gets the girl is just an excuse for guys without the ability to attract women to lay the blame else where and lie to themselves claiming they're the exception! They don't just want sex, they want to get to know a girl, buy her things, treat her like a princess.
The mentality of women is completely different also, if you were a single guy and met a single good looking girl you'd be attracted to her correct? She on the other hand may not like several things about you that you didn't even realise you did, maybe you're a little unconfident, aren't direct enough, don't make your intentions known, are too small/tall. It's all just multiple emotional triggers that you must set off, from what I gather anyway.