Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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yeah, and then short guys will look at themselves and probably feel slightly awkward and uncomfortable. Or when a taller guy stands next you chatting to your tall and slim attractive woman, slightly awkward and uncomfortable...

It doesn't really work like that. Guys of any shape and size could chat up my (ex-)girlfriend all they want and that wouldn't really faze me. I have a lot to offer and height doesn't really matter.

I could also probably deal with a girl who was taller, though not to an extreme, as long as she was also slender. A woman with more mass than me is less attractive because thats my view of how men look, same with boyhair, instant turn off no matter how attractive they were before.

It's not got a whole lot do to with me feeling inadequate. I also have small feel by the way. As far as I'm concerned the rumours aren't true but you're welcome to measure if you don't believe me. :p
Well then you could say, what's wrong with guys going out with a girl that's bigger than him (width wise)?? Why do so many guys dislike bigger women?

Because width usually dictates a lack of exercise etc etc

Not to mention that it can be altered, unlike height. :)

true that.. im just 5'9 which average height.. im alright with it tho :D but i do get a few girls that i really like and they are taller than me... succks but what can i do :D

I severely doubt that the average height is 5'9", I'd say it's probably 5'11"
The thing is height is something you just can't choose and whether that makes you more or less attractive is just sods law, although i'd wager that it wouldn't be a deciding factor in most cases. Weight on the other hand says a lot about a person, it's not just about attraction on a visual level.

Anyway OT, meeting up on saturday and going to spend the day in manchester. To do what, i don't know, but that's part of the fun right? :D
The thing is height is something you just can't choose. Weight on the other hand says a lot about a person, it's not just about attraction on a visual level.

this is true.. when i see obese people i can't really think good of them the only thing that pops in my mind is "this person does not care about him self"

this may be very narrow minded thinking but i can't help it! :)
Tonights date got moved to Friday. Now to decide whether I want to go on another date tomorrow... The guy who wants to meet seems like a nice person, but after viewing his profile and pictures a few more times I'm beginning to think he's not really my type... Now how to decline in a nice way...?? He's going to think I'm messing him around as we've been messaging for a while now :o
Tonights date got moved to Friday. Now to decide whether I want to go on another date tomorrow... The guy who wants to meet seems like a nice person, but after viewing his profile and pictures a few more times I'm beginning to think he's not really my type... Now how to decline in a nice way...?? He's going to think I'm messing him around as we've been messaging for a while now :o

Just say you've changed your mind...
Just bloody meet the guy and see what he's like face to face. The more guys you meet the more you learn how to play the game that is internet dating.
No one ever looks the same as the pics they put up anyway!!
On the plus side you'll probably get a free meal or at least a drink. :D
this is true.. when i see obese people i can't really think good of them the only thing that pops in my mind is "this person does not care about him self"

this may be very narrow minded thinking but i can't help it! :)

It's not really narrow minded it's bang on the money. I've had an extremely busy year and put on a few pounds. Apparently my BMI hit over 25 and I'm disgusted with myself for letting it get that far. So what did I do? I joined the freaking gym* like any other fatty should. :P

* and I'm actually going.

MisChief said:
Nahh it's alright I believe you, no need to measure

Your loss darling. ;)

P.S. Go on the date. Your type hasn't worked for you so far, has it?
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It's not really narrow minded it's bang on the money. I've had an extremely busy year and put on a few pounds. Apparently my BMI hit over 25 and I'm disgusted with myself for letting it get that far. So what did I do? I joined the freaking gym* like any other fatty should. :P

I feel great for doing so much exercise this year. I've dropped a stone and a half from my Fatty McChunkster peak weight, my arms are no longer puny and the rest of me is beginning to tone up now. Slow but sure progress, and I don't eat junk any more. The amount of effort it's taken to get this far has put me off ever putting the flab back on!!! :D

google it :D

I know wikipedia says the average height is 5'9" but I call ******** on that. Blokes especially sub 20 are far taller than that on average now.

Or at least there is a far greater percentage of people who are 6'+ than when I was in school 5 or so years ago. :)

The thing is height is something you just can't choose and whether that makes you more or less attractive is just sods law, although i'd wager that it wouldn't be a deciding factor in most cases. Weight on the other hand says a lot about a person, it's not just about attraction on a visual level.

Anyway OT, meeting up on saturday and going to spend the day in manchester. To do what, i don't know, but that's part of the fun right? :D

My advice is to do some research. You can play it off casual like, or pretend you found it by accident. Saves you getting there and it being awkward. No different from real life dating. Being able to suggest a few things makes it easier to chat about various things and make decisions you're both comfortable with.

Tonights date got moved to Friday. Now to decide whether I want to go on another date tomorrow... The guy who wants to meet seems like a nice person, but after viewing his profile and pictures a few more times I'm beginning to think he's not really my type... Now how to decline in a nice way...?? He's going to think I'm messing him around as we've been messaging for a while now :o

Meet the bugger, how can you possibly know what he's like from a few messages? Truthfully, you come across as a bit of a want it all from your posts here (expecting the the world to be shaken from a few messages with joe bloggs, thinking its acceptable to be late to a date etc etc), which is probably ******, you're probably a lovely person. Same goes for this fellow. He might not well be your type, but then again.........he might be.

I wouldn't place much importance by pictures, some dudes are just not photogenic yet are perfectly acceptable.
I feel great for doing so much exercise this year. I've dropped a stone and a half from my Fatty McChunkster peak weight, my arms are no longer puny and the rest of me is beginning to tone up now. Slow but sure progress, and I don't eat junk any more. The amount of effort it's taken to get this far has put me off ever putting the flab back on!!! :D


Ima be back here in 6 months time to tell you I hit my ideal.

Meet the bugger, how can you possibly know what he's like from a few messages? Truthfully, you come across as a bit of a want it all from your posts here (expecting the the world to be shaken from a few messages with joe bloggs, thinking its acceptable to be late to a date etc etc), which is probably ******, you're probably a lovely person. Same goes for this fellow. He might not well be your type, but then again.........he might be.

I wouldn't place much importance by pictures, some dudes are just not photogenic yet are perfectly acceptable.
I never said (or think) it's acceptable to be late for a date... I said I am '30 mins late by default' and it is genuinely a coincidence that I'm always ~30mins late - with everyone I meet, including family and friends. Even if I give myself a stupid amount of time to get ready.

I also found out that this guy doesn't drive, which is a problem unless you're living in London or somewhere close by.
I never said (or think) it's acceptable to be late for a date... I said I am '30 mins late by default' and it is genuinely a coincidence that I'm always ~30mins late - with everyone I meet, including family and friends. Even if I give myself a stupid amount of time to get ready.

I also found out that this guy doesn't drive, which is a problem unless you're living in London or somewhere close by.

I went a few years without a car. I live next to a train station and got the bus on occasion. You're looking for excuses not to date him, so don't. Or lighten up and give the guy an hour of your day, it's not hard. :)

How old are you by the way?
My advice is to do some research. You can play it off casual like, or pretend you found it by accident. Saves you getting there and it being awkward. No different from real life dating. Being able to suggest a few things makes it easier to chat about various things and make decisions you're both comfortable with.

It's not the first time meeting so wont be awkward at all :) We did the same in london the weekend before last and did plenty of random stuff.
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