Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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7 Jun 2010
Gave up with POF - it's pointless for the most part, I found anyway. Paid some coin to a proper dating site and found it much much better :)

Well I'm glad your not being friendzoned anymore lol, Paid sites haha oh the joys of being unemployed, such luxuries will have to wait :(
22 Nov 2005
Our second date was at mine, so I could cook her dinner. There was no intention for anything physical beyond a kiss.

We didn't sleep together until date number 5, and are still together 4 years later. :p

The ones that don't sleep with you for the first few dates are the ones worth investing time in imo

my ex knows a friend of a friend that keep's going on POF dates and performing sexual acts on them usually in their car.... :rolleyes:
Shes done it at least 7 times now......

she might as well just start escorting and get paid for it because she will never find a good relationship if she keeps that up
8 Sep 2005
my ex knows a friend of a friend that keep's going on POF dates and performing sexual acts on them usually in their car.... :rolleyes:
Shes done it at least 7 times now......

she might as well just start escorting and get paid for it because she will never find a good relationship if she keeps that up

Name and number please?
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
Average height in the UK is 5'9". Only The Netherlands (land of the giants) and maybe a couple of other countries worldwide can claim to be 5'11" or higher.
It's different in certain environments, groups.

In my place of work the average hight is much higher (at 5'11" I'm average).

Apparently height goes against men in interview/pay & job prospects (surprising but the data does lend credence to it).



7 Sep 2009
West Lothian, Scotland.
It's different in certain environments, groups.

In my place of work the average hight is much higher (at 5'11" I'm average).

Apparently height goes against men in interview/pay & job prospects (surprising but the data does lend credence to it).

I once read somewhere that early on pretty girls and tall men get promoted faster, while in the later years it generally comes more down to merit and though the pool of talent is flooded with tall/sexy, uggos and shorties do push their way through.

From personal experience I've did about 25 interviews and been offered the job about 22 times from that. I did a bunch of interviews because I wanted to know my worth and make sure I had the confidence to get a new job if I needed one.

I almost always know I'm getting an offer because I answer the questions well and people talk to me like they like me. Hell people generally like me as it is anyway, I don't have a bad bone in my body and it's pretty evident in person.

So yeah, maybe being pretty and tall gives you an advantage ( but then maybe those types just tend to have more confidence anyway and thats what its really about ) but it's nothing I've felt I couldn't beat. In fact I feel I generally have an advantage if I get someone face to face.
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7 Sep 2009
West Lothian, Scotland.
Do you really think a date will last only an hour? Seems a bit rude to leave just after an hour!

I work stupid hours sometimes and things can pop up unexpectedly, so I'd rather a guy drives so that we can meet whenever it suits rather than always checking train/bus times and worry about last trains etc.

I'm 26.

I think it's rude to assume it'll last any longer.

It's different if you know the girl and approached her in person but I find it slightly weird to plan an extended date for a first meet with a girl you've never met before and who just might not be into you.

Your second date should be your real first date in my opinion.

By the way it doesn't come across like you've ever really want to date. I'm not sure why you do it when you're always looking for reasons not to. Ignoring that, there is no such thing as "second best" love unless theres something wrong with you. :)

Really, you'll probably just want a guy you can stand to look at who treats you half decent in the end, as you're well aware, most of us are snakes anyway. But thats fair, most ladies are nuts.
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