Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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If she keeps looking at you* it's either because she likes you or you're literally staring at her all creepy like.

No, I look up from my book and she's peering over at me usually. I've only caught her glance doing the usual nose around the carriage for someone picking their nose or something equally "interesting".

She moved seats away from friends to be diagonally opposite the other day which was weird. BUT I have been disastrously wrong in the past trying to read "signals" from women as they rarely make sense. Perhaps she is enjoying the grotesque circus that shares her carriage rather than wanting to get jiggy. :p Cheers anyways chaps. :)

EDIT: I am NOT doing an "ASDA girl" type thread. ;) BRB off to buy chloroform in case it doesn't work out.
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No, I look up from my book and she's peering over at me usually. I've only caught her glance doing the usual nose around the carriage for someone picking their nose or something equally "interesting".

She moved seats away from friends to be diagonally opposite the other day which was weird. BUT I have been disastrously wrong in the past trying to read "signals" from women as they rarely make sense. Perhaps she is enjoying the grotesque circus that shares her carriage rather than wanting to get jiggy. :p Cheers anyways chaps. :)

I'm telling you, she's doing that crap on purpose because she likes you. She wouldn't do it for any other reason. However if you don't man up about it when you do ask, she'll say no because your lack of confidence will have killed it.

grotesque circus that shares her carriage

Pix please.
Theres this girl at work who everyone thinks likes me, she got a boyfriend and we didnt really speak much so i didnt think anything of it but she added me of facebook and kept messaging me, only chat but lots of it, she found a excuse to give me her number, we get on quite well and everyone thinks we should get together.

A few of us went for some drinks after work, at the end of the night i went to give her a hug bye and she just clinged onto me and got really close, the way she looked at me, she wanted me to kiss her it was obvious, i didnt but she kissed me anyway and then just kept looking at me. It then got broke up by people leaving.

Shes made a point time and time again telling me shes not happy with her boyfriend, i dunno if shes just saying that because she likes the flirting or if she actually is unhappy and does like me? Thoughts?
Theres this girl at work who everyone thinks likes me, she got a boyfriend and we didnt really speak much so i didnt think anything of it but she added me of facebook and kept messaging me, only chat but lots of it, she found a excuse to give me her number, we get on quite well and everyone thinks we should get together.

A few of us went for some drinks after work, at the end of the night i went to give her a hug bye and she just clinged onto me and got really close, the way she looked at me, she wanted me to kiss her it was obvious, i didnt but she kissed me anyway and then just kept looking at me. It then got broke up by people leaving.

Shes made a point time and time again telling me shes not happy with her boyfriend, i dunno if shes just saying that because she likes the flirting or if she actually is unhappy and does like me? Thoughts?

Be a man, and leave her be until she is single. People seem to so easily forget that if does that to another guy then she will just as easily do the same to you. If she was really unhappy then she would leave him. Simple.
Be a man, and leave her be until she is single. People seem to so easily forget that if does that to another guy then she will just as easily do the same to you. If she was really unhappy then she would leave him. Simple.

I agree, im not saying i would do anything why shes with someone, was just after opinions
Proper thing to do..
Tell her you wont entertain any more of her advances unless she becomes single.

What most will do..
Smash her back doors in anyway.
I agree with the above.

When a relationship isn't going well it can be easy to start looking for attention from someone else.

Personally even if she did split with her boyfriend I think you should continue to give her space to let her really clear her head.
I think my text-fu has let me down on some occasions, in the past also.

It's quite difficult finding the line between texting too much and too little, either way resulting in loss of interest.

Conflicting advice also, some people say text over the course of a week or two then arrange a date, others suggest using text just for arranging dates and leaving the talk for face to face.
I agree with the above.

When a relationship isn't going well it can be easy to start looking for attention from someone else.

Personally even if she did split with her boyfriend I think you should continue to give her space to let her really clear her head.

Yeah, tho she does get quite a bit of attention from others she seems to have targeted me, maybe im a easy touch lol.
Going to give this a stab (AGAIN!). Feels very odd writing this stuff! Any chance of some profile reviews to make me look like less of a tit?

Take out the "Guess I need to sell myself now, never good at this!". Drives me mad when I see profiles open with a negative. Arrghh.

As for the rest, meh, not very attention-grabbing...the list is redundant because you can list the interests in the other part of your profile. Listing Likes - Twitter? Dislikes - strip club"? Odd.

The "I have an unusual humour so be prepared for that" needs to go too, it serves no purpose as your humour is probably not as unusual as you think it is, and if it is then it's probably not a positive thing for other people.

The tone of the whole profile is a little peculiar to be honest.... I would rewrite it with a more positive vibe, and remove references to things that may put people off.

You're actually not a bad looking chap, so sort that out, put a couple more good photos on there (nothing goofy) and you should be good to go.
Much better, some of the brackets should read as commas though (the cinema one and the car, maybe the leeds one).

On the first date don't just say activity based, suggest an activity, engage that aspect of what you expect from the first date directly i.e. pick something you think might be fun and will grab a womans attention.

Otherwise you should be on the right track!
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