Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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"I av a 1 yr old baybee nd am 8 munfs preggers but dont let dat put u off me, i iz a ryt larf and luv goin out clubbin wid me girlz innit!"

Ones like that? :D

Yup those are the ones:p...i mean im 36 for gods sake...i havent got much of a problem with women who have kids but i mean its ridiculous because they look and sound like utter chav losers..and believe it or not these are women between the ages of 34 to its quite shocking and its no wonder they are single tbqh.

But honestly im just taking the site as a joke...if something comes of it then good, if not then its all least im not paying for it so cant expect too much i suppose.
Yup those are the ones:p...i mean im 36 for gods sake...i havent got much of a problem with women who have kids but i mean its ridiculous because they look and sound like utter chav losers..and believe it or not these are women between the ages of 34 to its quite shocking and its no wonder they are single tbqh.

But honestly im just taking the site as a joke...if something comes of it then good, if not then its all least im not paying for it so cant expect too much i suppose.

I didn't encounter many of that sort for the bunch of months I used it, but then I guess it will vary from city to city
Although I love children I'm not looking to start a relationship with someone who already has a child.

That's pretty much how I feel. Way too much hassle having to deal with a potentially jealous ex-partner and also not being able to plan things because the kid needs looking after :p

I think it's less of a problem when you get into your 40s and upwards as most people's kids will be heading into or past the teens and are more independent. For the moment I definitely wouldn't want to get involved and I don't plan on any of my own :D
lol I've had a few of those.

Orange said:
If you feel like emailing me please write a little more than 'Hey x' Us boys like to get decent emails too

Although I love children I'm not looking to start a relationship with someone who already has a child.

You should also add to your disclaimer at the bottom:

"Also, although I love children, I do not enjoy engaging with people who insist on typing like one".

That should stop the Hi hw r u 2dy? type of msgs :D
What do you all have as your 'First Date' on your profile?

I did have:

"Sit in silence staring at each other whilst listening to Billy Idol until eventually I throw a glass of milk in your face"

I think I had been drinking when I wrote that. Now I just have:

"Go to the zoo"

I figure most girls like animals.
What do you all have as your 'First Date' on your profile?

I did have:

"Sit in silence staring at each other whilst listening to Billy Idol until eventually I throw a glass of milk in your face"

I think I had been drinking when I wrote that. Now I just have:

"Go to the zoo"

I figure most girls like animals.

Haha ive put mine as go back to yours and get jiggy with it:p...hmmm maybe thats where im going wrong lol.
Sounds like you definitely had a lucky escape there, Orange Peel lol
I actually had someone similar from these forums act like that towards me. ( i wont say who as they might be reading!! eek!)

I can't stand people who text type in emails or in text messages actually lol

I've been umming and ahhing about whether to try internet dating for a few months now. I don't think I will join PoF as it does seem the majority on there are weirdos or just after a bit of fun whereas I'm looking for more.

I've decided to try OKCupid but I'm not getting my hopes up lol.

Orange Peel - you seem to be an expert on profiles lol, any tips on how to sound interesting but not a bunny boiler at the same time?
You are clearly a seasoned veteran of this. It seems like you get loads of attention on there. Is it purely what you have written or are you built like a brick ****house as well? :p

Good profile pictures really help. I know I'm average looking but a nice B&W portrait and a couple of others that make me look half decent don't hurt ;)

I've just been honest with my profile, not tried to impress like so many do. Mentioned that I've been skiing in January and that I'm looking forward to a summer holiday. I've not mentioned the buzz words most others seem to use such as 'honest, caring, loyal, trustworthy' etc. I've been told that I come across as most of those by my laid back 'about me'

I wouldn't say I get loads of attention, usually averaging around two new incoming emails a day. I don't really send a lot, only to people who really push the right buttons.

Orange Peel - you seem to be an expert on profiles lol, any tips on how to sound interesting but not a bunny boiler at the same time?

Yeah, don't use 'bubbly, fun, outgoing, caring, sharing, loyal, trustworthy, sitting on the sofa with a bottle of wine' to describe yourself. I'd say 90% of women use some or all of those words. Don't mention that you're looking for a Knight in shining armour or about any sour grapes you've got about your ex(s)

Just put a few paragraphs about what you like doing and what you want to do in the future.

Also, no slutty pics! Soooo many women out disclaimers saying "I'm not into one night stands or after a fling" then put a picture of them pushing their boobs together or dressed like a slapper on some drunken night out.

Think that sums it up :)

Also seems to act like a nut-magnet. Maybe you should add another disclosure at the bottom about bunny-boilers.

It has increased the numbers of 'callers' which by default means more bunny-boilers along with more hotties :)
And Secretspy, if your profile says "I dont bite, unless you want me to *wink**wink*"

ill personally come to your house and punch you in the nose
And Secretspy, if your profile says "I dont bite, unless you want me to *wink**wink*"

ill personally come to your house and punch you in the nose


I wouldnt say that.

That would instantly give the wrong impression of me I think.

Orange Peel - thanks for the tips.

I'm currently going through (as OKCupid put it) eleventy million questions lol so i haven't got to the "add a profile" bit yet.

Some of these questions are :eek::D
Thanks for the tips Orange Peel. I think I have gone a bit overboard on my likes and dislikes on my profile so I might just shorten it up a bit.

What do you have as your headline? I never know what to put in those!

EDIT: FFS, I was all excited to get a new message just now only to read this:

heya babes u oki i lyk ur profile was wounderin if u wanted to chat


I got this one last night:

hey hows it going? xx

I have just updated my profile as OP suggested, so lets see if that makes any difference.


I just got another message from the first girl 2 minutes after her last one, I didn't even reply to her!!

heyyyaaaa babe ur so fit u oki do u fancy a chat

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Dude you have mad skillz ;)

Hopefully things will change for you.

If you want send me your username and I'll have a look at you profile. I'll send you mine if you want :)
argh help im stuck lol. okcupid has all these sections "what youre doing with your life" "six things you cant live without" etc. "Self Summary" i dont know what to write without sounding boring! lol

And someone has just IM'd me who is apparently an 11% enemy lol

edit: omg I hope theyre not all like this

him: hi
me: hi
him: how you doing?
me: im ok thanks how are you?
him: nice im (username)

(it says the username on the chat header!) i havent finished my profile yet, only added a photo, I could be a bunny boiler for all he knew! lol
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Going out on a limb here, but I think - now don't hold this against me if I'm wrong, but maybe - she wants to chat. :o

secretspy, those profiler things are there only as a guide. Always use your own judgement. What are you doing with your life? Working. Are you saving to do anything special or are you just taking each day as it comes?

Six things eh? Just avoid the generic response of "OMG I would die without music." It's just so... MySpace. :p
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secretspy, those profiler things are there only as a guide. Always use your own judgement. What are you doing with your life? Working. Are you saving to do anything special or are you just taking each day as it comes?

Six things eh? Just avoid the generic response of "OMG I would die without music." It's just so... MySpace. :p

yeah I just looked at someone's profile who messaged me and noticed it doesn't show the heading if you dont write in them so that will make it easier lol

although im getting the "whats up" people hassling me.
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