Ok little update ..
Sadly due to time constraints I haven't had much time to really plow on with my project as I wanted to. The irony was I setting this thing up to save time. Never enough time it seems
Anyway .. of the original 34 mails I sent out en mass
D) I got replies from 12. ~35% reply rate. Nice, one might think. Err, well not really. At present I haven't nailed down a face to face meet with any of these yet.
I've been blown out once and that was to the only woman I've actually pushed for a meet. She claimed the location was unacceptable. Might be true, might not be, but I've already made the call that this venue is the only one *I'm* prepared to meet at. (Its a pool hall. I can't be arsed sitting on my backside talking to someone. I gotta be doing something like an activity. Otherwise its like a sodding interview, LAME. Plus girls are crap at pool and I like to win
Of these 12 women basically 3 or 4 I reckon the conversation is still 'continuing' (i.e. eventually I will push for a meet at the venue pre-determined) and the rest have basically drifted away, not replied or I've cut off contact. Some of these women just want to TALK TALK TALK .. Talk about their boring lives, the tough days they've had .. Listen love, I've come here to meet people to have a good time, not hear your sob sob violin stories about your job.
One of them, who I chatted to on MSN for a total of 45 minutes (Yep, sticking to my guns) just went on about her ex boyfriend, get this, the one thing she misses about being in a relationship is the wonderful House she had. Nothing about actually spending quality time with a man LOL .. Anyway I managed to divert the conversation to something much more interesting and found out a little bit more about her, but she was tough work. I've had deeper conversations with brick walls.
I think in the next batch of emails I'm going to send out (Which I will do) I will make it quite clear that the intention is to ultimately meet people face to face. Hopefully that will cut down on the reply rate but at the same time set some kind of expectation.
Also interestingly I have had some emails from women. I got an email from one claiming to be a Spanish model. I asked her what kind of model she was, a hand model for Argos or something? Dont think that went down well.
She was iffy because her located said Hampshire and to be honest I just didn't believe she was genuine. Anyway she said she was in Camden and that because she had 2 cars (Nice one, I love subtlety) it wouldn't be a problem meeting up. She bottled it and never replied after 2 emails.
That was probably down to the fact that I said she might have a Chauffeur to take her to meet me given she had 2 cars
In the past day I've had a drama student email me telling me what an arrogant cocky arse I am after she read my profile. It was all in good fun her email was absolutely laced with sarcasm. I laughed, actually. I sent her an email back complementing her on her dopey looking photos and pointed out her lack of paid employment, as one does with every student. We'll see how it goes.
I figure that I'm much more likely to get a woman to agree to meet me if they actually initiate contact with me.
Onwards and upwards!