Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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9 Apr 2008
Bubbly = fat = chubby chasing (just so your aware)

A "nice" first date is a given as is being nervous, as much as honesty is appreciated by women only needy/desperate ones are going to pile in for that sort of thing, suggest an actual date that you'll have fun on so you won't think about being nervous/have to drink around it (or drink at something fun at least, chats at the pub don't leave lasting impressions).

Again it's too cautious and reserved (and that woman is still in your pictures) you might be a cautious and reserved guy but if you want to get somewhere online dating you have to give a little more away on the profile of who you are, other than a guy who wants to meet a girl who's nice, full of personality and doesn't take them selves to seriously.

Try and write it where you spend more or less no time talking about who you want to meet till the last sentence, it's your profile so talk about your self first, paint a picture of who you are (or see your self as or want to be even) but only say a little about the reader at the end, otherwise it comes across as putting what you want across online instead of who you are (something most profiles do and causes so much failing at this).
30 Sep 2013
I try not to bother with POF any more. (too many desperados/weirdos/liars)
I did have fun with it though , putting "I don't do mingers. If you don't get a reply then you know why" on the bottom of my profile.

I didn't reply to anyones first message and only replied to them once I'd got their back up and they'd sent a "Oi, I'm not a fackin' minger" message.

with hindsight, it probably cost me a few leg-overs.. oh well :)
30 Sep 2013
There's no humour in it at all.
Take the **** out of women a bit. Put more daft questions on your profile so it gives them a subject to write to you about.
I once had a profile which was just 10x multiple choice daft (and quite arrogant) questions that they had to answer to see if I wanted to go out with them. No info about me at all. And it worked. (well I'm still single sort of by choice , but I got a few emails/leg overs with it)

Change your first date to something along the lines of "go out and get sh**faced, fall over a few times, puke, and then drag you back to mine to play mario kart". You'd be surprised how many people want to play mario kart for some bizarre reason.

The other thing that you have to remember is that it's like flies around sh** on there. I had some young irish bird back at mine one night who logged in while she was here, she had a bloke mail her every 2 minutes. She had more messages in an hour than I had in a month. She wasn't even that good looking.
So stop mailing women, let women send you messages. Your messages are just likely to be skipped and lost by a woman who is even just slightly hot. It's fishing. You throw in the bait on your profile and then it's a waiting game.
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17 Oct 2002
Really struggling with PlentyofFail at the moment. Lots of Read, Deleted type action only. Had a female friend give my profile the once over but it's made no difference. Reading how much you guys all get up to on there doesn't help!

Any pointers?

I'm an idiot, and drunk, but...

You look uncomfortable in all your pics but the daiquiri, and in that you have bad hair and spots (sorry). Pics are the most important part, ignore the rest but sort this out.

Note: I'm not saying this is easy, looking comfortable in front of a camera is a special skill, those who have it are often called models. but everyone gets it right eventually so just man up, tell a mate you need some profile pics and get snapping - 1 in 100 will look great :) Actually it may be 1 in 1000, but we're digital now baby. No-one has an excuse.

Also never ever be pictured with a man eating a fish cake, why oh why you thought this was good - girls are looking for reasons to drop you, this is a reason. There is as much fishcake in the picture as your face. Fishcake to face ratio is all off.

Replace IT Senior Engineer for just "Engineer" if you can.

Replace long term for dating. Dating is still dating right, not hookup? I'm sure it still is. Seems less needy from my pov.

Nobody would call "cosy nights in" or "pubs" as a hobby, I'd leave them out of interests.

Honest, fun, big hearted and passionate guy seeking a similar lady to enjoy life with!
It's not telling me anything about you and is very generic - I'd drop it.

I’m intelligent and fun to have around. I’m lively and chatty and like to enjoy my life. I’m a good listener and dependable

Isn't this enough?

One of my main interests is music.. I'm a big fan of indie/rock but also in recent times more chilled out stuff like acoustic and singer-songwriters. I enjoy going to gigs and love discovering new bands. Of course I like any type of music when there'e a chance to dance :)

Just my suggestion

My life is quite active. I play football once a week (for the exercise, I’m no David Beckham!) and cycle regularly. Finding a nice country pub during a long ride is usually a bonus!

I don't know, not being female, but I guess football may conjure up some impressions not entirely wanted - for yourself imagine rugby club. Women probably think the same of football. The cycling is good, good athletic sport, completely harmless - make the pub a joke though, eg:

My life is quite active, I play sport and cycle regularly although I wonder if I'm not just looking for a nice pub to stop at ;)

Having said that, a night in with a DVD, good food, good wine and good company does wonders too!

Personally I prefer a night staring at the wall with a bowl of gruel, smart price tea and some Jehovah's telling me I'm going to hell but each to their own. Seriously - everyone likes this, don't be everyone.
12 Oct 2011
So I have been on a few dates since signing up in July anded up in a strange NSA thing (dont do it, nightmare)..

Met a girl a couple of weeks ago, I genuinely liked her and been on a couple of dates and she came over Sunday for the day. We went out, had a drink walked around the xmas market, she held my hand, I wasnt really making any of the first moves and trying to play it cool.

Went back to mine, watched a dvd, she then went home and snogged me outside, again she initiated. All was well I was thinking.

Next day, get a text, nice guy but friends blah blah.. and she would 'leave the ball in my court'.

I was kinda shocked by this, as clearly from the messages of Sunday night, I didnt see it coming! I asked to speak with her, she called me... apparently had something to do with some of the things I may have said that freaked her around around commitment issues (one example is she is scared of dogs) I said something along the lines of "having to lock away the dog if she ever came to my parents"..... I told her if it was only that - I would have for things to end now, but if it was more than that IE she wasnt attracted to me etc, then I could totally understand it being pointless....

Shes now invited me over to hers on Wednesday as per our original plans. Problem is I feel massively deflated and not sure what to do not to do.... It seems like she wants hugs and kisses but doesnt want to even think about a relationship, im lost!! FML!

Any thoughts?
12 Oct 2011
Thats what I think I should do, but can see myself doing the opposite as shes under my skin now. In her last text it reads "I honestly dont really know what to do , I obviously sent that message as that how I was feeling, but at the same time I would like to see you on wednesday because I really enjoy your company (although I cant promise that ill change my mind because that wouldnt be fair and I would want to hurt you by saying the same thing next week). Its really up to you what you want to do now? keep it casual and enjoy each others company? or do you want to leave it if I cant promise you the world? I hope this all make sense".

Please note, I was never asking for the world lol, just a normal genuine person looking for a relationship and she seems nice...
21 Jul 2010
Recently getting into the dating game some of the replies ive gotten seem to be 3 word resonses it just tells me a lack of interest and repling fir the sake of replying.

Am i right?
12 Jun 2004
Recently getting into the dating game some of the replies ive gotten seem to be 3 word resonses it just tells me a lack of interest and repling fir the sake of replying.

Am i right?

It's a reply so clearly there is interest.

Some people are just stupidly poor at interpersonal skills online...ask a few questions and if there is nothing there just ask if they fancy meeting instead. Saves the time and hassle. Sometimes people are reflected online very differently to how they are in 'real life.
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