*** iPhone 5 - Revealed! ***

So painstakingly slow to wait for the delivery driver... always the same.

I could contain myself this morning, but after lunch its getting harder!


The scumbag who decided to purposefully ruin the back of a phone that doesn't belong to him, on launch day no less, should be prosecuted for vandalism. Shame on MacRumors for glorifying his childish "tests."

Yes, things scratch when you beat them up with sharp metal objects. My screen protector on my 4S gets scratched when I put it in the same pocket as my keys.

Come on. This is just a sad attempt for page views on MacRumors part.

LOL @ americans. "really, really, really, really, really", the latest in annoying trends..
Did a test on one of our instore demos:


Back scratched with the iPhone sim card tray pin. Edge done with keys.

Reminds me of the HTC One S's bodywork.

Best watch it dude the ifans be raging on Mac Rumours, threats to beat you up and alsorts lolol.
As i said in the colour choice thread, the black looks the best out the box but 6 months down the line i think they are gonna look awful. Even if you baby it and never drop it i think the friction of it moving around in a pocket will rub the black of the corners unless a bumper is used and even then dust and crap gets between the two and damage is caused that way.
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Yea its upsetting them a lot that photo, as is any comment that the phone scratches too easy

Not suprising, too many of these gullible ****tards seem to think anything apple produces is beyond criticism even of valid points. Seen a few people get their phones and some are already scuffed\scratched out of the box. Wonder if free scratches are a feature they might charge extra for in the future....
Strange request but anyone who's got one today can tell me what's the 'default' arrangement of the icons just straight out of the box?
I'm really glad I waited and did not pre-order as I was going to order Black

seems White is definately the way forward and should prob hold its value better :)
As i said in the colour choice thread, the black looks the best out the box but 6 months down the line i think they are gonna look awful.

I agree, didn't realise it would come off so easily though and the scratches like that will drive me mad. Have since changed my order from black to white, both look fantastic anyway

Also LOL @ the people on Macrumors :D
Think I'm going to pop into a Apple store and see both colours in person, White looks better in pictures and going by reports of the black version easily wearing down.

Might actually buy a white phone for once!
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