*** iPhone 5 - Revealed! ***

As a guess, I think there will be an announcement in August and it will be released in September.

Either that or a September announcement and late September/October release.

It's pretty much impossible to guess at the moment, but as the networks are stocking up on nano-SIM's, that would imply an announcement isn't too far away.

Already replaced the battery and as of this morning looks like it needs a replacment home button and im not sure i want take the phone apart to that level !!!

Battery life should get a generation leap (50%+) from the iPhone 4/4S.

Guaranteed parts:
32nm HKMG SoC (30%+ improvment that's already being used in the iPad 2,4 and SGS3)
20-30% bigger battery (The new 3.78-3.8v type should lead to a 6-7Whr battery compared to 5.3Whr found in the iPhone 4S, as seen in the 2012 iPad and Motorola/Samsung phones)

Rumoured parts that'll improve battery life further:
28nm Qualcomm MDM9615 modem. (probable)
Lower power 3.5"-4" LCD. (probable)
Integrated digitiser. (possible)
Better antenna design. (possible)
big.LITTLE Cortex A15/A7 architecture. (too soon)
A better battery.

A larger screen.

A better battery.

That is all. iOS5 isn't even worth upgrading for imo. I don't even fill up my 16GB iPhone, never mind needing more storage options. Don't need that much music on the move :p
I want it to be.......cheaper. :p

The 3GS I have now is too slow and old, didn't get the 4S even when I had the money (ended up frittering it away), but I think its time I got the latest and greatest.

A 4" Screen, better optics (niece has a S3 not sure if its the screen or the camera is far better but you can see its much better to 4S), Faster CPU/GPU, and better battery.

I thought we could have a thread for all of the iPhone 5 speculation and expectation.

I think this is the most important iPhone since the original was released. The competition are starting to eat more and more into Apple's share of the phone market and Apple need to play a blinder and get back on top here.

It's fair to say that, while good, the iPhone 4S was a bit of a disappointment. It was a long way from being an essential upgrade.

What I want to see:

  • A larger screen. 4 or 4.3" IPS LCD is fine. Designed properly, those screen sizes would pose no problems to anyone. I suspect they won't go above 4" though.

    Definitely - frustrating at times how you have to faff around to view content on the device, but i wouldn't want to see anything too big, like you say...
  • A new design. I don't think they'll deviate too much from the iPhone 4 design and will obviously keep the premium materials, but it needs a bit of freshening up. The current design has too much wasted space to facilitate a big screen.

    Disagree, i thought/think the iPhone 4s (black) is a very, very stylish piece of kit and doesn't/won't age badly - it's sleek, understated and minimalistic.
  • Fairly generic internals upgrade. It will most likely end up being the new Apple A6 (1Ghz dual core cortex A15 + SGX544MP2). It doesn't need quad-core, dual-core can provide more than enough power and is generally more battery efficient at present.

  • A larger battery. The 4S was a bit of a disappointment in this respect, it didn't improve on the iPhone 4 at all, and in many cases ended up being worse. Apple need to make sure they shoehorn a nice, big battery into the new iPhone. With the more power efficient internals, this should provide significant battery life improvements, despite the bigger screen.

    Agreed - if you use WiFi etc. it dies all too quickly for me.
  • An improvement to the camera and HD video recording. I'm not sure if they'll go much above 8MP, if at all, but the optics will obviously get an upgrade of some sort.

    Really? i think the camera is superb!
  • Larger storage options. Hopefully they will make 32GB the new standard size, and have 64/128GB as options. I don't think they'll ever add a MicroSD slot.

  • iOS 6. What I've seen so far of iOS 6 hasn't really excited me, a few nice additions and I'm sure the maps will turn out nicely, but hopefully there's more to come.

The main thing for me personally though is the screen, I just find 3.5" to be too small nowadays, people can handle bigger.

In today's news:

What do you want to see?

Good post, though what struck me about it is the lack of proper harsh criticisms, which is good from Apple's point of view.

I think the iPhone5 only needs a few touches to make it a bit more update, but i think it's a superb bit of kit - from a design point of view... it's my job to be critical and negative on new designs and ideas :D but i can't fault the iPhone as it is.... i think the only issue is the dumb apps that are continually being churned out, but that's nothing to do with apple. :)
I had the iphone 3GS and now have the 4S. My next phone will have a larger screen:cool:

I'd also llike to see 32GB minimum. 16GB isn't enough since they added 1080p video.
I would love them to add a memory card slot (will never happen) and bigger screen and battery.. would be very cool if they made a battery last a week! lol
[*]Fairly generic internals upgrade. It will most likely end up being the new Apple A6 (1Ghz dual core cortex A15 + SGX544MP2). It doesn't need quad-core, dual-core can provide more than enough power and is generally more battery efficient at present.

Very unlikely to be A15's robbo - they would already have to be producing them now to churn so many - A15's will be a while yet afaik; late Q4/Early Q1.

I think it will be either dual or quad A9's with a 32nm fab shrink - the iPhone doesn't really need much more raw power.
As an ipad user I really have no need or want for a bigger screen or phone, web wise I use the iphone for very little these days and prefer the smaller size of the iphone to carrying a shield in my pocket.

All I really want is a better battery life and snappier camera over the 4. What I will probably end up doing is selling the 4 and upgrading to a 4s with people selling to upgrade and spend smaller amounts for these tiny upgrades, especially if the new phone is larger.
Very unlikely to be A15's robbo - they would already have to be producing them now to churn so many - A15's will be a while yet afaik; late Q4/Early Q1.

I think it will be either dual or quad A9's with a 32nm fab shrink - the iPhone doesn't really need much more raw power.

I was just copying what Sarge said a while ago, blame him. He should know better. :mad: :p
I don't get why people keep asking for 32Gb minimum... If you need the extra space, upgrade it! Buy the 32Gb version instead of the 16Gb version. Don't be tight and just go for the cheapest option and hope they change the cheapest option.

I can't see them making the "standard" iP5 32Gb... With the release of the 8Gb iP4 I think they'll stick with 16Gb this time around. If I'm wrong, I am prepared to eat my hat!
Smaller storage promotes iTunes match in IOS6 anyway, where your able to stream everything rather then preview and download.

It does, but there are two reasons cloud storage isn't great at the moment:

  • Data plans are very tight, most people are probably on 500MB~

  • The infrastructure itself isn't good enough, not everyone will get a data signal where they are

At the moment, we still need physical storage ideally.
I somewhat agree, but Apple isn't the sort of company to compromise an idea/product because of someone else's limitations.
There are options available (The One Plan, Full Monty) - if people want to get the most out of their device - is probably the attitude Apple are likely to take.
It does, but there are two reasons cloud storage isn't great at the moment:

  • Data plans are very tight, most people are probably on 500MB~

  • The infrastructure itself isn't good enough, not everyone will get a data signal where they are

At the moment, we still need physical storage ideally.

Its a null issue. We are encouraged to capture full HD video with our devices and download old console sized apps and games. 32 is the minimum required I feel. Besides memory is cheap enough and we are probably 10 years off a reliable decent data connection in most zones. I dont like waiting for my music to just stream either. I want it in my hands at my finger tips. If I wanted music I have at home then I can call on itunes match. this is coming from an itunes match user too.
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